Recently I've been thinking about making a TeeWorlds mod adopted to touchscreen (or 'borrowing' Liero code, I'm not picky), and this mod is just the thing I need.
Siile, what direction do you want to move with this mod? How are you imagining the gameplay?
I would like two things for making the game more mobile-friendly: 1.5x slower game speed, and fixed-angle aiming, limited to 12 or 16 angles - this will make controls arcade-like, where you don't aim so much, but instead you move and jump to align your aim with the opponent, and then shoot at the right moment.
Removing ninja rope makes it so much easier to design touchscreen controls. It's impossible to design comfortable controls when ninja rope is a core feature of gameplay - you can either shoot, or fling ninja rope, but not both.
Two joysticks is all I need. No extra buttons whatsoever.
Left joystick - swipe left/right to move, swipe up/down to stop moving, and tap to jump. There will be a separate jump button at the right side, just to make controls easier to learn.
As for the jetpack - it will burn half of your fuel if you tap Jump mid-air, then burn another half if you tap Jump again.
Right joystick - attack, obviously
I want to make it more comfortable than in TeeWorlds Android port - slide finger to shoot, instead of fixed joystick, this makes it easier to aim precisely before firing the first shot.
I'm not a fan of a single weapon switch button, I'll just put every weapon you have to the top of the screen, into a separate button - you cannot have more than 10 of them anyway. Also, weapons will auto-switch when out of ammo, I think this will make the game more comfortable to play even on PC.
The problem with that is when you take the ammo crate, it will only fill the ammo of your current weapon. It would be nice to replenish ammo of all weapons instead, either the equal amount for each weapon you have, or load your active weapon first, then all other weapons you have.