Topic: [Idea] auto-ctf

As I am playing more and more vanilla CTF, everyone know for sure how painfull it can be to play on public server with random player.
Teams are never balanced, player do bad things etc...

And then, I remembered an old thing, maybe some of you played DOTA, and on battle.net, there was some bot who auto-host game and keep track of every player name, with score to auto-balance team.

So the whole idea is to make a server that can :
- have a database of each player name with
  - name to remember
  - score of the player
  - win
  - loss
  - kill
  - death
  - flag capture
  - ratio
  - etc...
- Can auto balance team with the score of everyone
- Can start a game when there are enough player in spec (so game type (2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 etc...) is auto)
- Have to update each player profile at end of each game and update points according to how good or bad they played the game
- Keep track of player who leave game intentionally and give them minus points, then don't allow them to play for x time.

So this is the basic idea, the server should do nearly everything, no need for an admin to be present, no need to make vote from player.
So no need for a specific client, just a modification of vanilla ctf server.

Then you can extend the idea, host more server, and you can make points restriction to be on other server for example. So you could have high skilled server, trash server (where you need to begin to increase your points) etc...

Like I don't have the skill to develop such a thing, I am just sharing my idea.
So if some developper like the concept, he is welcome to develop it smile !


Re: [Idea] auto-ctf

Rly interesting idea which can be very useful on public servers. With proper design this might work very well. I hope someone will be interested in coding it.


Re: [Idea] auto-ctf

Yes of course this is for public server content.
But the big problem, I don't think there is enough player in ctf mode to make this idea really good =x ! But still, it can bring more player, cause game should be more enjoyable with proper balanced-team.

4 (edited by Slayer *gV* 2011-09-26 21:57:05)

Re: [Idea] auto-ctf

A database based on player names only can be abused easily.
Thus you would need an account-system, which doesn't really fit into the teeworlds-principle KISS.
Moreover it could only count it for the server-cluster, which would lower the effictiveness.

Whats more interesting..

Laxa wrote:

- Can auto balance team with the score of everyone

Some time before there was a discussion about changing the auto balance, balancing the teams concerning the frags per minute of all players.

All in all I think your idea could have success, but only if ALL vanilla server would use your database...
Guess it would be better to wait for an official account system...

5 (edited by Laxa 2011-09-26 21:33:13)

Re: [Idea] auto-ctf

Slayer *gV* wrote:

A database based on player names only can be abused easily.

Yes and no, cause if you have for example :
- 1 server with no points restriction to play
- 1 server where you need more points to play on
Then it's useless to cheat.
And after you can limit cheat by checking IP usage or something.
Anyway, with account loggin it can limit the abuse but that's not needed.

About auto-balance, I am talking about making team fair according to "ladder points" not current score in game, once a game is launched, only players can interrupt it by a vote to change map or allow a new game to be launched cause there are new player waiting to play in spectate.

And no need to have all server using the same database, it's more an idea to create a kind of "ctf-ladder".

EDIT : And of course, it could be a great idea for vanilla ctf to make this thing and use a unique database accessible to hoster for example.


Re: [Idea] auto-ctf

IPs are variable, thus a database based on ips is kinda useless.
And when you want to play on "high level" servers, then you can just rename yourself and have access?

Btw I just mentioned the thing with the auto team balance, as it was about vanilla and nearly a bit similar to your "ladder points" idea, just without a database. In fact, i just wanted to mention it big_smile
(as an alternative to your databased team balance)