clarus wrote:Hum ... I am sad that you react like that, seeing this mod as a danger for security and concurrency, even if it is true.
You shouldn't be so violent with people who want to enhance TeeWorlds ^^
Sorry if I sounded rude, that's not my point. I admit I have no time nor care to coat my words in sugar, yet I mean no harm. I understand your wish to improve TW and I share it as well.
clarus wrote:It lies because this mod is just an example of what can be do with a proxy system. The source code would be also useful for a mod like CITY mod with for example the ability to change room, ie to change server.
And I call back that this mod was just intended to be a proof a concept
I understand all that perfectly. But there are many malicious usages to that kind of mod and there is the greater problem of keeping the masterserv list clean. As you know mods are not our priority, but that doesn't mean we want to let anyone use the masterlist as they please, next time we have a coffeemachine which uses the masterlist to report when coffee is ready...
clarus wrote:Yes, your idea is better for a simple proxy, but certainly not possible with an unmodified client. Furthermore, I wanted to keep control of client connection to able to add some chat commands, like /next, to go to a new random server, or to broadcast a welcome message.
If the idea is not doable in a proper way right now, then better not do it than do it bad. We can discuss means of having the client jump to another server for the next release and you can take part in the development & provide patches if you like. However an open proxy poses more problems than it solves.
Personally, I believe Teeworlds is Teeworlds and some mods are just out of place, matricks never intended to create a game engine, it's a game. We tolerate mods that aren't too far from the original game to a certain extent, but this is purely a technical mod which goes against the philosophy of the game.
If you want a "random good CTF game", the button should be client side, and the list player-created and referenced on the masterservers as a Server List (not as a server). All of these are scheduled for a next release (along with player accounts, community, etc). Using a proxy for that is wrong on many accounts, including for the security of the players (man in the middle, etc).
Now about allowing the proxy to intercept commands, I am not convinced of the usability (because most users have no clue whether they're using a proxy or going straight to a server). I think this is one of the things that should wait for official support, and once again if you like developing for TW you're invited to take part.
clarus wrote:However, I would like to continue to use this idea for a DUAL mod, with redirection to local servers hidden from the main list, without publishing the sources or binaries.
I hope we will be able to negotiate in order to provide a better user experience with new powerful mods 
I think this is a good idea to allow multiple game instances for one logical server, once again I am not sure this is the best solution, but this is at least a useful hack until we can provide better support, as long as it is a *controlled* proxy. My problem is providing an open proxy (and means to walk around bans, spam masterlist, death loops etc) so your proposal to have local servers not registered to the masterlist, and a logical proxy acting as master server is OK.