1 (edited by momo1526 2012-10-30 16:49:56)

Topic: No Servers Found

Hi, I'm new to the forums and I didn't really know where to post this.
I am trying to run a server and at first it said I needed to forward port 8303 so I did but then I got another error saying it could not find the master server. Now worst of all, both computers on my network are saying "No Servers Found" on the internet tab. I love teeworlds and I want to get back to playing it asap. Thank you in advance!


Re: No Servers Found

You know howto create a Server? I think what you done is a LAN server, search in the LAN tab eventually you find something there


Re: No Servers Found

Check all your firewalls (windows firewall, antivira, router) and your internet connection.
Furthermore you could delete (or just move) your configurations (%appdata%\teeworlds). New config-files will be generated which should work.


Re: No Servers Found

Okay, I managed to fix my biggest problem and I am able to play on the internet again however I am still unable to make my server work. I've forwarded the ports and everything but always the same error.