1 (edited by .:AiP:. Serboto 2011-04-01 19:57:39)

Topic: Server kinds

Hello freinds,
I'm .AiP:. Serboto.  I often guess what a 24/7 server is.
Maybe soneone of you know it, when yes pls post it.
Serboto smile

Thank you very much

Another questions ghost:

How you stop the 24/7 server and can you run 2 servers at the same time?
And does it run even when my computer is out? And what is when my Internet connection is broken?
And that's from an Internet page where I have the MOD för the DDRACE from..
A server option:
sv_bindaddr (this one you can in a 24 / 7 server to assign the server on the home pc a fixed ip)
What's a fixed IP?

I hope you'll answer

Serboto smile

2 (edited by ghost 2011-04-01 19:49:54)

Re: Server kinds

24/7 Jjust means that it is online all the time, meaning 24 hours on 7 days of the week.


Re: Server kinds

Ofc you can host more than 1 server. You just need to configurate them, so they use 2 different ports. If im right, this one has been discussed several times before, so for further informations u may use the search function.

24/7 means its usually ever online. It means the connect can be lost due to internet problems, but it doesnt mean the server is only online when your pc is running.

sv_bindaddr will make sure, the ip of the server stays even after a reboot of your system (which usually means a changed ip)


Re: Server kinds

I am nearly finished with a collection of some shell scripts that will make serverhosting on Linux much easier. So that you might soon find a topic for it. I'm already working on it since a month. I'm not going to say much about it, but it includes a script that restarts the servers, when they get killed, such as nice start, stop and restart functions. It's also possible to have the servers starting up upon booting of the system. smile

Though if you want to host a server on Windows, I can't really help you. hmm

5 (edited by Mo2 2011-04-02 01:32:23)

Re: Server kinds

GBKing wrote:

'm already working on it since a month

...uhm - I like that tux-stuff too. You are really working on a TW script for a month now?

Autorestart is pretty simple:

nohup while :;  do ./teeworlds_srv -f config.cfg; sleep 3s; done &

More common init-script:
http://ddrace.info/forum/content.php?r= … x-by-Mo_2_


6 (edited by .:AiP:. Serboto 2011-04-02 12:52:26)

Re: Server kinds

Ok, now I'm on good way. but one question isn't answered. Does the server run when my connection is broken?
Or my computer is out?
But thanks for the other answers wink

Serboto smile



Re: Server kinds

it surely doesn't


Re: Server kinds

Hey buddy,

I want to some help.. I am working on server but some time my server connection has been broken...

9 (edited by Slayer *gV* 2011-06-20 15:32:06)

Re: Server kinds

.:AiP:. Serboto wrote:

Ok, now I'm on good way. but one question isn't answered. Does the server run when my connection is broken?
Or my computer is out?
But thanks for the other answers wink

Serboto smile


How should your pc maintain a server (which needs cpu, bandwidth, etc), when it isnt running?
How should connected clients get their informations from you when the connection is broken?

But there is a way for "24/7" server: Buy a server, so he has to run it.

Ogilvie wrote:

I want to some help.. I am working on server but some time my server connection has been broken...

Check your connection. If you are sure its a issue of your connection, you can ask your internet provider.