Topic: North/Central/South America Vanilla Community

TL;DR--PM me your Skype or Whatsapp so we can call each other for CTF games. If you have a server and you're willing to change your configs for the vanilla scene (mostly votes anyway), please let me know.


With the coinciding news Teeworlds community received about Steam, I'm trying to gather vanilla players in the pan-American scene. I noticed several old players showed their names (whether they were here because of the green light news or not) and I'm hoping for the pan-American vanilla community to catch up with the European community.

For a while, we've been handling a gradually growing and healthy North American CTF scene since early 2014. We would usually have 2v2 or 3v3 ctf3 few times a week, but now, we are able to have CTF games everyday and we've reached to a point where we can have few 5v5 ctf2 games a day. Before all this, vanilla players only played 1v1 dm1 games.

Now, South American vanilla scene has been (re?)launched. Mostly, players are from (as expected) Brasil, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina. The problem with South American scene is the ping. The ping is such a problem to the point where players from Venezuela and surrounding countries are actively playing on North American servers. We currently use one server in Brasil and one server in Chile, which isn't 24/7. Funny thing is that players from Brasil might have 300 ping to Chile and vice versa, but have 150 and below to my server in Florida.

Trying to get an organized vanilla scene is going to take some diligence, but won't be anything we can't handle. I'm just asking for whomever with interests and of course, preferably without negative attitude and dedication to improving. Please PM me your Skype or Whatsapp to expand the scene!

Also, if you have a server and you're willing to change the configs for it, please let me know as well. It will be helpful to have variety of servers in different locations to find the best pings for everyone.

Surely enough, I'm expecting another year for the South American vanilla scene to grow to a healthy, competitive levels, but with help, we can quicken this for more challenge and fun!


2 (edited by Kirbs 2015-06-15 21:24:56)

Re: North/Central/South America Vanilla Community

Good to see you posting about this! Having a US (and surely the same for the South Americans as well!) organized vanilla scene would be really cool, since nobody plays vanilla often in the North Americas, unless SoUp BiZKiT and/or you are included big_smile

By the way, I don't have a Skype or a WhatsApp, but if I am in the mood to play Teeworlds CTF (or if I am able to), I will go searching for people with an intention to get a funwar together. So no reason for me to PM you neutral

Good luck with getting enough people to get it up to the euro level, I would love to see that amount of vanilla gameplay happening over on this side of the planet. Then I wouldn't be as bored when on vacation xD
