Released v4.1!
I've been working a lot on the gamer those two last weeks, and I proudly present you a new heavily-improved version!
What has been done
> Ported Copy-Paste
More info here
> Added colors system for chat
More info here

> Fixed game tiles shower properly making them showing teleports and speedups
More info here
> Ability to tell your relative position (red/blue base, middle)

If you find yourself in the red or the blue area, the bind will say in teamchat "I'm at the RED BASE" or "I'm at the BLUE BASE", else "I'm at the MIDDLE".
More info here
> Changed the chat highlighting system now highlighting the edge of the letters in place of the body
More info here

> Added ability to see player IDs in the scoreboard
Original idea
> Implement the automapper from LordSkelethom
More info here
> Made the editor 'sexier' (resized a bit everything)
This comes from the Lord's github pull request.
> Strict gametype filter
Patched from this heinrich's pull request.
> Choupom's ingame APM counter
APM stands for Action Per Minute, an action is everything (mouse click, key pressing, etc...) except mouse movements.
> Fixed a lot of bugs with the clan name
Some really weird things happened with the clan name when using cl_sendclientinfo 1, fixed that;
> You now need to press Ctrl as an additional key to the mousewheels to zoom in/out as a spectator
> When using gcolor, hands and feet are now colored too.


> Fixed fastcap bugs and crashes on map change to RACE
The gamer should not be crashing anymore.
> Ported the overall stats system
If you were using the gamer stats in 0.5.2, you'll find them on 0.6! Nothing changed on that side, but it was a big port.

> Fixed weird button placements in the ingame menus
The CallVote button and the Ghost button really were in a weird position.
> Added shortcut system for the menus browser
Ctrl+R to refresh, Tab and Shift+Tab to travel through the tabs.
Windows pack (.rar)
Windows pack (.zip)
Mac pack
(This includes the binaries and the additional data stuff, unzip it in your usual teeworlds folder, and merge subfolders)
Sources (.zip)
Enjoy a lot!
Edit: found a bug, client was crashing on CTF game ending, fixed that and reuploaded (22:04)
Not Luck, Just Magic.