Topic: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Hello tees,

The strings for translation were ported to Transifex. Anyone can now help out get their language translated in the next Teeworlds version.
The process to contribute on Transifex is described here and should be fairly straightforward.

We already have Russian, Ukranian and Portuguese (Brazil) done. Completed translations can also use some reviewing and improvements.
If you have trouble with any string, you can open an issue directly on Transifex or leave a comment here.

Thank you in advance for your translations, we appreciate your contribution.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

2 (edited by Dune 2019-02-08 18:12:54)

Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Testing translations

Note: This is a way of making sure your transactions fit the game well. You do not need to provide us with JSON files.

Translations are located in your Teeworlds folder in data/languages, as JSON files. In order to test your new Transifex translation, you need to:

  • Add/replace your <language>.json file (e.g. german.json)

  • If your language did not exist: edit index.json to add an entry for your language

This can help you with the context of some strings.
Please try different resolutions to make sure your strings fit well and don't get truncated.

Exporting Transifex translations to a JSON file

Exporting Transifex translations can be a bit technical. If you are running in difficulties, you can simply request it here and we will generate it for you.

Otherwise, here is the procedure:

1) Download your strings from Transifex
You will receive a .po file.

2) Download and install Python3, and the polib module

3) Download this python script: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/teewo … rt_l10n.py

4) Run the script on the .po file:

python3 reconvert_l10n.py <language>.po

This will yield you the JSON file you're looking for, to be put in <teeworlds folder>/data/languages.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

3 (edited by Dune 2018-11-14 12:46:10)

Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Translations added in trunk so far:

  • Bulgarian

  • Portuguese

  • Portuguese, Brazilian

  • Russian

  • Ukranian

  • Gaelic Scottish (new!)

  • Lithuanian (new!)

  • German

  • Hungarian

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

RTL languages (e.g Persian(fa)) never added to the 6.x versions.(Due to technical issues)
Translating of those languages is waste of time. (!?)



Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

That's correct, issue #394 needs to be fixed first. Sorry.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

I would translate fully catalan, but you were against adding the catalan flag, glad ddnet accepted me smile

7 (edited by Kutomi1 2018-11-18 22:28:39)

Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

I already started doing the Hungarian translation, and I'm almost done.
BUT there are still some things that I didn't translate, because I don't know how to translate them. What I mean by this is I don't know what those words or phrases mean because they have multiple meanings and/or I just don't know where to find them in the game.

List of the stuff I couldn't translate yet: "subjects," "marking," "to" (okay, I'm not an idiot, XD I just don't know where it occurs in the game, so I don't know how the translation would make sense, 'cause Hungarian is a *BIT* different language than English), "Add demo marker," "Show social," "Other" and "All." ("All" is already translated, but I guess, it's translated incorrectly.)

I know the meanings of these words/phrases, as I said, I just don't know where to find them in the game.
I would really appriciate some help. Thanks in advance. smile

EDIT: I managed to translate almost all of them. The only one remaining is "subjects."

Long as the voice inside me says go
I will always keep on running!


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Hey Kutomi1. I'm looking into that, but know that you can open issues directly on transifex.
Thank you for your contribution to Hungarian, we will make sure to include it in the next version smile

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Removed the "subjects" - label from the client - so no need for translation anymore wink

Remember the 80s - good times smile

10 (edited by Kutomi1 2018-11-18 22:28:18)

Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

YES! big_smile
But it's still in Transifex. Should I just ignore that part of the string?

Long as the voice inside me says go
I will always keep on running!


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Yeah, you can just leave out the string.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

I'm finished with the Hungarian translation. smile It's ready to use when the update comes out. big_smile
Thanks for all the help. Glad I was able to kinda improve this game. wink

Long as the voice inside me says go
I will always keep on running!


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Thanks, added it.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Polish translation done. I suppose it will be suitable for improvement because the Polish translation is longer.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

You can try it out with this polish.json: https://pastebin.com/aqP6ER16
I experimented a bit around it, and it looks fine overall. There are a couple of issues:


Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

I have corrected some mistakes.

Found some strings can not translate:


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Nancin wrote:

I have corrected some mistakes.

Found some strings can not translate:

Thank you for your corrections :)
Those are new strings that were not ported to Transifex - sorry, we have a few of those. Things have been moving quite fast.

Reminder that translations will be closed tonight, to polish and prepare the release.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Translations were included in the 0.7.1-rc release.
If you see translation errors, missing strings or text overflows, you can help us get it fixed by submitting on Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/teeworlds/tee … languages/

The strings were updated with some new content due to the release.
Thank you for your continued contributions :)

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

So, I fixed some strings that I messed up last time and finshed the Hungarian translation.
Sorry, I know, I was stupid for not making sure that everything is OK...
Can you export it so I can test it? I apologize and don't want to make the same mistake again. ._.

Long as the voice inside me says go
I will always keep on running!


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Sure, here is your hungarian.json attached

Post's attachments

Attachment icon hungarian.json 22.49 kb, 667 downloads since 2019-03-16 

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Helping out with translations for 0.7.1

Thanks. Made some changes and it's good now.

Long as the voice inside me says go
I will always keep on running!