This video was great in all points !
It's very rare (especially on free/open-source games) to see videos like this !
Thanks a lot ! (as if it didn't help me at all ^^)
But there are still things I do not agree with :
I don't use bots BUT I spin all the time. This is something I love to do because it gives me a feeling of flowing when playing, as I'm also a speed junkie and a big boomer. So spining is
always botting, you should have marked on continous and regular spining
. And also, some people only enable spin bot and not aim bot, which is not (to me) some botting, but a graphical adding, as skin or anything else.
IGN = in-game name = the name you have when playing = the name you have when playing this game named teeworlds = the game you have playing this name gamed teeworlds and not the clan = Feeder