So you want to know, what the entities do, that you are using?
If yes i will make you a picture
1. Zones (for ex. wlist you need wlist to enter)
2. It's like a wall but you can hook threw it.
3. Checkpoints (for race)
4. Wall
5. endless hook on/off
6. deathzone
7. nohook
8. no lazer zone
9. freezezone
10. unfreeze
11. shops
12. money
13. a=freezehammer
h=you get super (can't get freezed and inf jumps)
j=nobody can see you except admins
k=blood ^^
l=all your extras will be gone
m=no ninja-zone
14. Spawnpoints (i think for a city you just need the yellow one)
15. heart and shield
16. weapons
17. freezecircle
18. it's the length how long your laser is if you put a circle laser and a 3 all around it the laser will be 3 fields long
19. 1.=laserbomb
4.=i think it's for nothing just for the look ^^
20. draglaser (green=low drag; yellow=middle drag; red= heavy hook)
21. with that you can hook threw walls
22. jumps +/-
Oh and the last one in the left bottom is a shotgun bullet it will freeze you