1 (edited by Piotrek.stv.pl 2012-03-25 14:23:25)

Topic: [Help]Making maps+bonus.

Hi all!

I made a mod for the clan - ₪|City. Improved mod Lealen'a and KittyPL. The server without a map it is not worth anything. So I ask you for help in making maps, and what a bonus. He will get a moderator on the server.


Did you mod? You do not have Web hosting?
You want your mod was TeeWorlds 0.6.1? Write to me!

2 (edited by Nitro 2012-04-16 17:22:44)

Re: [Help]Making maps+bonus.

So you want to know, what the entities do, that you are using?
If yes i will make you a picture smile

PunBB bbcode test

1. Zones (for ex. wlist you need wlist to enter)
2. It's like a wall but you can hook threw it.
3. Checkpoints (for race)
4. Wall
5. endless hook on/off
6. deathzone
7. nohook
8. no lazer zone
9. freezezone
10. unfreeze
11. shops
12. money
13. a=freezehammer
     h=you get super (can't get freezed and inf jumps)
     j=nobody can see you except admins
     k=blood ^^
     l=all your extras will be gone
     m=no ninja-zone
14. Spawnpoints (i think for a city you just need the yellow one)
15. heart and shield
16. weapons
17. freezecircle
18. it's the length how long your laser is if you put a circle laser and a 3 all around it the laser will be 3 fields long
19. 1.=laserbomb
      4.=i think it's for nothing just for the look ^^
20. draglaser (green=low drag; yellow=middle drag; red= heavy hook)
21. with that you can hook threw walls
22. jumps +/-

Oh and the last one in the left bottom is a shotgun bullet it will freeze you

3 (edited by Ich 2012-04-16 17:38:14)

Re: [Help]Making maps+bonus.

Sry but i don't get what you want now.
Did you made a mod or do you want help for the entities of a mod?

4 (edited by Nitro 2012-04-17 16:08:27)

Re: [Help]Making maps+bonus.

ahhhhh now i get it... you want someone making maps for you yikes

5 (edited by 2012-04-19 18:15:36)

Re: [Help]Making maps+bonus.

I am talking about making maps...

Someone close this topic because it starts to offtopic.

Did you mod? You do not have Web hosting?
You want your mod was TeeWorlds 0.6.1? Write to me!


Re: [Help]Making maps+bonus.

I know Nitro is making some really nice answers to topics like this one but...
It's a little strange pass from -33 to +32 in one single day... Or I'm the only one that have this opinion?

Piotrek.stv.pl wrote:

Someone close this topic because it starts to offtopic.

Yeh. Sorry about that neutral

KittyPL - I know her from DDWar! big_smile
But if you want to have maps you just need to add a layer saying with a pic. saying "Clan XXX".
Done! Copyright is dead!

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: [Help]Making maps+bonus.

4 is for unfreeze bomb

Teeworlds Clan here


Re: [Help]Making maps+bonus.

Can you give us like a download link to the map or something so we can actually use the entities..?