1 (edited by kittyPL 2012-03-05 22:49:00)

Topic: [MOD] Skill Deathmatch

Hello every1,
This is my first mod since Im back to teeworlds... Its not so complicated, took 1hr to code it all from original tw src. So lets start.
Mod is simmilar to vanilia TDM, but you can skill up your weapons and defence. Each round stats are set to zero, I didnt wanted to make acc system, It would unbalance the game at all... Each weapon has 5 levels (including ninja) and I added passive skill "defence" that reduces damage taken. The main objective is just to kill enemy team smile.


*Each level incrase damage and kick.
*Each level incrase damage and kick.
*level 4 and up has explosive bullets, but 0 damage.
*Each level incrase the bullets count.
*Each level incrase damage.
*Each level incrase damage.
*Each level incrase the bullets count (Next ver (if it would exist) I will add cluster grenade on 3+ lvl).
*Each level incrase damage.
*Each level incrase the laser length (no bounce limit!).
*Each level incrse damage.
*Each levle incrase attack length.
*Reduces damage taken (from 0% at 0 level to 70% at 5 level)

Weapons exp is gained by kills.
Defence exp is gained by taking damage.

Exp table:
LVL      |       Weapons      |            Defence
LVL 1   |     1 kill, 1 total    |  10 hearts, 10 total
LVL 2   |     2 kill, 3 total    |  20 hearts, 30 total
LVL 3   |     5 kill, 8 total    |  50 hearts, 80 total
LVL 4   |   10 kill, 18 total  |100 hearts, 180 total
LVL 5   |   17 kill, 35 total  |170 hearts, 350 total

You may now think "OMG, 350 herats! Impossible!" But Its only dying 35 times (or collecting hearts, then less than 35) wink I checked it, and its not so much, same 35 kills.

Future features:
*Air-raid for 5 killstreak.
*Ammo suply and ammo over 10 bullets.
*Money to buy weapons and ammo (reset each round too)
*More upgrades to buy.
*FFA gamemode.

Im not sure if i will develop this mod, It all depends if you like it. This are just ideas I got when coding big_smile

I think its all, time for source and download.

Windows Binaries
Windows Bin+ Src

Im ready for all opinions ;D notice it only took 1 hr. If you have any ideas, post it here.

C++/Java my life ^^
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Re: [MOD] Skill Deathmatch

And pls give autoexec.cfg


Re: [MOD] Skill Deathmatch

Config is same as standard tdm... I gonna change it. as sv_gametype use MOD - it will be changed in future too.

C++/Java my life ^^
If you like dislike button click it


Re: [MOD] Skill Deathmatch

Very nice, but you can make more levels.
Strange, in Poland someone knows c + +! Hooray!

5 (edited by kittyPL 2012-03-06 18:08:17)

Re: [MOD] Skill Deathmatch

Well, amybe I add something more big_smile Heh, I agree with you... There arent many ppl that know C++/Java in Poland... Notice, Im only 15 ^^

Oh, you have my old mod ^^ [L]City, made with Lealen big_smile I dont like cities now tongue

C++/Java my life ^^
If you like dislike button click it

6 (edited by 2012-03-06 18:42:49)

Re: [MOD] Skill Deathmatch

City [L] I have somewhere on your source. I have 16 years:lol:. Yes 48% C + + I can, but do not get it.I meant that you and lealen know how to do fashion.

I do not know. Maybe a "guest" then testing your mod. In this fashion Teeworlds probably still there.


Re: [MOD] Skill Deathmatch


so a nice idea.. but i wont "noobmods" in Teeworlds smile
Vanilla is the best :>