1 (edited by Nate 2011-11-26 05:26:19)

Topic: DDrace Mod Questions

First off, I found the link http://ddrace.info/builds/ in another post.  While this is very helpful, I still have a few questions regarding the DDrace mod.

Most of the ddrace.info site is inaccessible, so it has not been a good reference for help.
I am trying to first set up a working DDrace server, of which I think I succeeded using the following links:
ddrace.info/builds  -  For the ddrace_server.exe mainly.
teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4449  - for the server creator  (I'd prefer to not have to use this, but I don't understand the cfg commands well enough yet to go making my own cfg file exactly as I want.)
teeworlds.com/?page=docs&wiki=ServerTuning - To get the right tuning for the server creator

At this point I have a server that seems 90% working.
There was one map that a teleporter wasn't working correctly(not sure why).  And I had to go fix some tuning I had messed up on, but for now, I think it's set.

So my questions are:
1: Is there a better way to run a DDrace server?
2: How do I make people able to vote for a map change?
3: Do I need a specific DDrace map editor to map DDrace maps? (If so, please provide a link, if not, a tutorial link would be awesome)
4:Any idea why a teleporter may not work correctly?  (If I find the map again I will update this with the info regarding which specific teleporter)

I used to run a DDrace server, and last time it was easy(probably because the site worked).  And I even made maps for it.  But it has been well over a year, and I have forgotten most if not everything to do with managing a race server.

I had been trying to run outdated maps.  That was why the teleporters and pushers didn't work.  I believe that's the reason anyway.  I went and downloaded some newer maps and everything is functioning fine.
However, I'm not sure how to use the super_me stuff, or admin.  I don't even know what you're supposed to type to enter the password.  If anyone has any info on this that'd be nice.

2 (edited by DARK HUNTER 2011-11-25 13:35:33)

Re: DDrace Mod Questions

Nate wrote:

Most of the ddrace.info site is inaccessible, so it has not been a good reference for help.


Most of the site is down for maintance and the forum software has been changed from vB to myBB. Use the link I gave you to go to the new forum and ask questions there.

To your questions:

1. What do you mean?

2. add_vote "name of vote" sv_commandofvote

add_vote "Map xyz_ddrace" sv_map xyz_ddrace

Put that in the config file. Where "Map xyz_ddrace" is the name of vote which will appear in the Call Vote menu and "sv_map xyz_ddrace" is the command for the server to know what to do.

NOTE: "map xyz_ddrace" has to have quotes! It tells the server what is the description and what is the command.

3. The DDRace client is recommended for mapping.

4. Maybe you set it up badly. Look for a tutorial for mapping of ddrace maps. (There were tuts on ddrace.info when it was online)

Once in a century...

3 (edited by 2011-11-26 02:23:28)

Re: DDrace Mod Questions

1. I mean: Are there any other programs, or simply a default cfg file for DDrace servers that I can download?
2. Thanks, I will put this in.
3. I believe I can figure this out, I'll just find a specific DDrace map guide, or work on it myself until I get it working.
4. Yes, I believe I have a bad setup.  It turns out 90% of teleporters don't work, pushers don't work, and even kill zones.  Only the parts that turn you into ninjas work.  Any idea on how to fix it?  Or like I said, anywhere I can get a cfg file, or is there anyone out there with a working DDrace server that can link all of the info in their cfg file?

I will be looking into these, but if someone knows what is wrong, that'd be awesome if you could help me.

I have since downloaded the content from http://ddrace.info/builds/ and tried everything with the defaults, but it still won't work.
I'm wondering if the versions don't work together, or if the defaults need to be changed in some way.

Again, pushers/teleporters don't work.  I imagine lazers don't either, but haven't tested them.

If anyone can just create a zip folder with all of their relevant server files and upload it somewhere that I can download for free, that would be 100% ideal.
Then I can tweak the settings I need to change.


Re: DDrace Mod Questions

+ DDrace 5.5 was released! Download www.cyserix.tk entering the site!

cool Ninja Guard cool