Topic: Server Shows Up on LAN, but not Internet


I'm trying to host a server online but I can only see it in the LAN tab and never in the Internet tab. My config file is simple and is as follows:

sv_maprotation=dm2 dm6

That's it. From what I've read, this ought to contact the master server and send heartbeats (the output says that it's doing just that), but I never see it online, only on my LAN. :-( Any ideas why this is happening?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


Re: Server Shows Up on LAN, but not Internet

Some NAT/Firewall/Routers doesn't allow connections to the outside ip/port. If both the server and the client is on the inside the client won't be able to query the server on the outside ip and therefore will not showup in the internet listing for you.


Re: Server Shows Up on LAN, but not Internet

Ah, thanks for the insight. :-) The computer I was using to look for the server is indeed on the same LAN.

I'll have to see if someone outside my LAN can check to see if the server is reachable, just to be sure. Thanks!