Topic: T-Day xD

Hey i have got a idea..
whats about a tournament with...more players and a tournament map..a BIG one ^^
we could name it T-Day or something like that xD
with....MANY players and many weapons and a big frag limit xD
and the creators play with us and we can see who is better and who is the best xD

but the grenade luncher would be bad at a tournament!
too big splash


cya ^^

Ultimate TEE-DANCE   YAY
(>^^)> ^(^^)^ <(^^<)


Re: T-Day xD

From what I've read Teewars isn't capable of "MANY players".


Re: T-Day xD

Not at the moment. It's also debatable whether the gameplay is suitable for "megamaps," as it would take out a lot of the tactics.