Re: [GRAPHICS] Skin Tutorial (English/German)
please help me i try to take a look on the video, but i see only gray
my screen was grey for like 2 hours but then it started playing maby you just need to wait a while for it to load
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Teeworlds Forum → Tutorials → [GRAPHICS] Skin Tutorial (English/German)
please help me i try to take a look on the video, but i see only gray
my screen was grey for like 2 hours but then it started playing maby you just need to wait a while for it to load
ty for the tutorial ive made quite a few succesfull skins of my own thanks to yous
ty for the tutorial ive made quite a few succesfull skins of my own thanks to yous
thanks for your feedback.
I improved this tutorial by the new part about the basic structure of a skin file. Now there are no excuses for not knowing what the black shapes are good for!
very nice addon!
Can you please provide a sample skin.svg for our dear friends? Or do you think that's a bad idea?
Personally I think that this is a very bad idea. Everybody should do his or her own sample by following the tutorial on an existing, simple standard skin, like cammostripes or default. If you've done this - and watched the structure tutorial - there is nothing left to explain. And it's really very easy.
Loved it, ty ! Now I got my first skin done (right!) ^^
i have only 1 thing to say.
For the youtube-generation, there is a video. And let me calculate:
24 pictures / second * 1175 seconds = 28.200 images. Let me only say one thing: wall of images.
and thanks for your feedback.
lappi,why when i delete the background i have something ugly?
lappi,why when i delete the background i have something ugly?
If I was mean, I would say that you drew something ugly . But I am sure that there's a small fault somewhere. If you paste a screenshot, I'd take a closer look at it.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH lappi, your skating on thin ice mate
if clause (2nd type). Grammatical concept: Subjunctive. If I was mean, I would say, but because I am not mean, I will not say a word
messenger wrote:lappi,why when i delete the background i have something ugly?
If I was mean, I would say that you drew something ugly
. But I am sure that there's a small fault somewhere. If you paste a screenshot, I'd take a closer look at it.
so is that when i delete the background
1st: take a look at the structure tutorial (skintutorialbasic.htm) about how the engine uses skin files!
2nd: your file is too small. resize it to 256x128 pixels! (red area is missing)
3rd: arrange all shapes in the corresponding fields. e.g. center the torso in the yellow box:
how do i resize it(ger)?
I assume that you did one fault: you didn't check what section was exported. Open the export form (Ctrl+Shift+E) - Check which section will be exported: page, selection, ... Choose page.
Check 19:00 in the video tutorial! Notice how I click "Seite" - the German word for page
and lappi,how do i make my skins look clearer?without pixels?
I don't know what you mean, please describe your problem more detailed, in best case with example-screenshots.
like this,look,the skins are pixelled in the legs
and look at your mike skin.see the difference?
Just check the comments in this post: … 9745#p9745
Maybe the borderfix utility works, too
Would the creator of this guide accept to have his guide placed in the Teewiki?
See for more information and for an example of how your guide can be integrated.
It will provide a new way for people to find information while at the same time be very easy to edit for future changes.
@Azon, I'd like to see that done! I will fully support this work and help as much as I can.
Hallo Lappi!
Ich rede jetzt mal auf Deutsch kein Bock jetzt mein Gehirn anzustrengen. Ich habe ein Problem und zwar habe ich nach deinem genialem Video Tutorial ein Teeworld Skin erstellt. Soweit so gut in Inscreape sah das Ganze auch super genial aus nur dann habe ich es als Bitmap exportiert. Starte ich jetzt Teeworld und wähle mein Skin aus, bekomme ich ein qualitativ schlechtes Skin. (Bild 1)Meine Frage ist nun, wie ich das beheben kann oder wie ich den Rand wieder vektorisiere bzw. ohne die weißen randpixel darstelle - Ich glaube das ging aus dem Tutorial nicht wirklich hervor deswegen wollte ich einmal Fragen - Ich hoffe du kannst mit die Ursache bzw. wie man das behebt nennen, habe die Datei noch im Inscrape Format (svg?).
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Hi Lappi!
I constructed a really cool Tee with Inscrape and the help of your brilliant video tutorial on "How to draw a Teeworld Skin". As far as well; in the programm Inscrape it looked very cool but when i exported it as a Bitmap, it looked very crappy... I switched my Tee in Teeworlds and it looked as the following picture. (picture 1) There are white pixels at the Contour as you maybe can see. My question is: How can i change this? I would like to have a Tee with a vectorized Contour - How can i make a Contour like this? I wanted to ask because i didn't hear something about a mistake like this in your tutorial. I hope you can help me! If its helpfull i also have the .svg.
Bild 1 / Picture 1
PS.: Danke für deine großartigen Tutorials! Es war für mich erleichternt zu sehen wie ich mit Inscrape gutaussehende Tee's leicht erstellen kann!
PS.: Thanks for your great Tutorials! It was a pleasure to hear and see how to use Inscrape for Teeworld Skins!
[EDIT: I added the english Part; EDIT: I didn't check the older posts i know found my problem!]
I've fixed a basic layout of your guide on the Teewiki. Be free to correct anything you don't like.
Teeworlds Forum → Tutorials → [GRAPHICS] Skin Tutorial (English/German)
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