Topic: Watch Spaceball LIVE with TeeTV!


@ 19:00 GMT+2 (in about 45 minutes) TeeTV will broadcast a match between _|*BB*|_ and [S/E] as they go head to head in a match of Spaceball.

Make sure to watch this special match! Our technical difficulties have been sorted out, and everything is ready to go. You, the viewer, is the only thing left to make this evening complete.

Load up with food and drink, because there will be no time later!

The proposition "I am the center" need never be uttered. It is the assumption upon which all certainty and all doubt turns.


Re: Watch Spaceball LIVE with TeeTV!

I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: Watch Spaceball LIVE with TeeTV!

yehaaa.. spaceball (my idea,map...thanks to scosu for modding)

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