1 (edited by eXpi 2008-08-26 17:09:36)

Topic: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

Here is my first skin. Its named TopHat_:

Here is my number two Rename it_: Orangelightning

Here is some screenies_:

PLz say what u think and help me to be better at this smile


Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

nice big_smile
butr green body?
i ve think red is better, but i can'T change the colour big_smile
nice ^^

I'm german -> My English bad -> My tees terrible -> My maps horrible -> but my play is perfect ^-^


Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

Try my new Skin tongue


Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins


  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

dont do that rename-thing^^
upload them at www.teeworlds-db.com then you can link to them without rename


Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

I like the TopHat


Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

Its good skins.
Now, can be viewed on my Czech TeeWorlds fanweb.
Use this link for view that page with your skins. It is using the Google translator for viewing english version of my fanweb.

Goodbye all. Account inactive since March 2011.

8 (edited by 101kl 2008-08-28 08:27:32)

Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

its not really a "top hat" in such, as a top hat looks like this: http://www.wakefield.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/B132527A-C7A1-4D64-8A47-C193E6FCABFF/0/TopHatAround1905.jpg
but yours looks more like a beanie: http://z.about.com/d/teenfashion/1/0/6/0/-/-/on436515-02p01v01.jpg

just something to think about.

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |

9 (edited by eXpi 2008-08-31 16:10:03)

Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

Yeah i now 101 but its cus it is the top of hats wink

And Ty Toni


Re: [SKIN] eXpi's Skins

and i guess so.
but i still like to spam the threads with massive hats ^^

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |