1 (edited by pcdevil 2008-06-12 17:00:56)

Topic: [MAP] Catacombs

I created a few maps for TeeWorlds. This is my first try...:) (Sorry, I can't create screenshot from mapeditor)

Catacombs A1
Description: The first map. If the mode is ctf, The flags are floating above a hole. there are small routes in the middle to the outer side.
Size: 119x75
Download: catacombs_a1.map (5.8KB)

Catacombs A2
Description: Similar to A1. The differences is the middle routes are bigger, and comfortable;)
Size: 119x69
Download: catacombs_a2.map (5.4KB)

Catacombs B1
Description: Similar to A1, but has a big difference in the middle of the map: There are caves with hidden entry.
Size: 151x63
Download: catacombs_b1.map (7.5KB)

Any oppinion, idea, suggestion, question, request, wish or something: write a reply;)
If you host my map in a server, please give me a PM!


Re: [MAP] Catacombs

edit your post and delete the sentence "(sorry for my english...)"
i hate it when someones says this >.<

nice map smile

ima charhgin ma lazerz!!1


Re: [MAP] Catacombs

@ topic  maps looks nice, wanna test it

@ pcdevil U can press Print button right to f12, and insert it in paint for sreen of full map in editor Oo


Re: [MAP] Catacombs

Reaper wrote:

edit your post and delete the sentence "(sorry for my english...)"

ok, i deleted it;)

Appleten wrote:

@ topic  maps looks nice, wanna test it

yeah, i tested only with 2 players, my adsl upload rate is sux:)

Appleten wrote:

@ pcdevil U can press Print button right to f12, and insert it in paint for sreen of full map in editor Oo

i have ubuntu linux, and i tried the print screen, but no effect.


Re: [MAP] Catacombs

pcdevil wrote:

i have ubuntu linux, and i tried the print screen, but no effect.

hmm, cant help