Topic: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker


A web app that sends you browser notifications when your Teeworlds stalkees join, leave, or change servers.

# Screenshot


# Features
  • Browser notificationss

  • Lots of settings (mute, server count, fail tolerance, refresh delay, etc.)

  • No accounts (settings kept in browser storage)

  • Pretty UI?

# Installation

This is a web app, so simply snatch these files and put them in your server directory. PHP is required. Also, TwRequest.php needs sockets, so your host must also support that.
Note: hosting this locally may cause some network lags

# GitHub


A is for Apple.


Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

It looks nice, but I am not sure what the point of this is. Can you give some use cases?

3 (edited by Oblique. 2017-04-24 17:10:37)

Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

wappsify wrote:

It looks nice, but I am not sure what the point of this is. Can you give some use cases?

Say there's a tee you really need to talk to: it'd be inconvenient to sit in the TW client and refresh the server list all day, so instead you can just add them to the TeeStalker and leave it running in your browser while you do other stuff.

It's sort of like Skype when it notifies you when people go on or offline.

Of course it's also a great tool for trolling.

A is for Apple.


Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

Is there no live version?

I will be banned if I troll again ...


Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

Deepfinder wrote:

Is there no live version?

Nope, sadly, since I don't have money to buy a host that allows PHP sockets on the ports TwRequest.php needs.

A is for Apple.


Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

Could you do this tool like a FireFox or Chrome extension?


Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

After looking over some tutorials on creating browser extensions, it definitely seems possible. Thanks for the tip smile

A is for Apple.

8 (edited by Deepfinder 2017-04-26 14:48:57)

Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

Someone posted this in the german community (https://teeworlds-friends.de/thread/899 … tID=230237) and now we have a live version: http://marcely.de/TeeStalker/

I will be banned if I troll again ...


Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

Deepfinder wrote:

Someone posted this in the german community (https://teeworlds-friends.de/thread/899 … tID=230237) and now we have a live version: http://marcely.de/TeeStalker/

Nice! yikes
On a side note, I recently found a pretty bad problem in the code:
If a lot of clients are connected, then the server will send requests to Teeworlds servers for every client. Of course, this could become incredibly slow (think about if 100 people were using it at once). What I should've done is send regularly timed requests to the Teeworlds servers, store the data in some log file, and just let clients read from that file instead calling TwRequest.php over and over again. Oops.

A is for Apple.

10 (edited by ChillerDragon 2020-02-17 17:03:29)

Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

Marcelys url seems to be down currently hmm

So I started hosting one my self: https://zillyhuhn.com/TeeStalker/
I do not know how long it will stay up but lets see.

#yemDX is a known troll!
but onbgy is the biggest troll
and deen always trolls, he just makes it so perfect that u think hes not


Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker


is still online.


Re: [WEB][TOOL] TeeStalker

Oh that’s nice. But the 500 server filter makes it unusable because currently there are less servers online. I submitted lower thresholds to the upstream so who ever is hosting that could update the version.

Also the fact that it is still online makes me assume it will probably stay online for a long time. So my mirror might be useless... let’s see how long I will keep it up.

#yemDX is a known troll!
but onbgy is the biggest troll
and deen always trolls, he just makes it so perfect that u think hes not