It's good to see any update although mostly better some things pain me, like + swapped normal/highlighted chat sounds if your intent is to annoy us it's working great
+ composed binds (ctrl+, shift+, alt+).
what does that even mean? i though it was to bind things like CTRL + SHIFT + D your self but it don't work for me, "shift+a makes a regular bind for a. EDIT: & indeed it does, i will detail the the bug else where as requested
+ spectator mode improvements: follow flags, click on players.
it should say what key to click how i'm i supposed it's mouse right?
- Demo list marker indicator (#1913).
not bad at all, even this DDnet client use is getting jealous of some of these Features 
- Add an option to use raw mouse inputs, revert to (0.6) relative mode by default (#1910).
yes! thats great, iv'e gotten used to RAW using DDnet's Client & don't want to go back.
Where is the help text for cl_camera_speed? if you consider "Camera speed" as helpful i feel sorry for you, i had to search the Github for"cl_camera_speed" to find out what it does, thats just disappointing. EDIT: i didn't even look there so my bad, but my point still holds about missing basic opportunities in design, thats what disappoints me.
What does this do? i don't get it.
# - usable path provided by argv[0]
add_path $APPDIR
edit: lewislaurain it's after new years man, like what lol, Merry Christmas to you too i guess.