Re: [LINUX][TOOL] Teeworlds Web Panel v0.3.2
Are mods installed using git can be automatically kept up-to-date? I think it's a needed feature!
Btw, nice to see that you are still active. You last message on minetee looks like a farewell.
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Teeworlds Forum → Fan Art and Other → [LINUX][TOOL] Teeworlds Web Panel v0.3.2
Are mods installed using git can be automatically kept up-to-date? I think it's a needed feature!
Btw, nice to see that you are still active. You last message on minetee looks like a farewell.
v0.3.2 Released:
- Improve 'install mod from git': Now can override bam parameters (for example, use 'server_release' instead 'server conf=release' when use bam 0.5)
- Changed bad english strings: … ec8d2000af
- Improve map checking
- Forced declaration of the 'logfile' variable (Good to try to detect problems when starting the instance)
Thx Good idea! ... and yes, last messages were not very positive... disappointed with the staff (not all) but like continue improve my projects
this install mod from git feature is epic
It would be great to search the log files.
Hi.. i'm playing with dockers and i uploaded a docker-compose+dockerfile manifests for fully deployment of TWP v0.4.0 (Development version) in a few steps...
+ General Info
- Repository used:
- Technologies Used: nginx + uwsgi
- Website Port: 80
- Teeworlds Available Range Ports: 8300-8400 (Can be modified in: … ose.yml#L7)
- Only compatible with TWP v0.4.0 (Version under development)
- Mount volume for not lost servers data
+ Installation
- Clone Repo:
$ git clone -b docker --depth=1
- Join into folder:
$ cd twp
- Build Docker:
# docker-compose build
- Start Docker
# docker-compose up
Any improvement/suggestion is welcome! Cheers.
[...] Tardo/twp/blob/ [...]
You have a new name!
Do you have also a live-demo of TWP?
hm, somehow can't access the web interface.
nginx reverse proxy didn't work
added a Debian tutorial on how to set up:
Edit: updated tutorial, should work fine now.
reverse proxy stuff and so on solved
jxsl13 Thanks for documentation!
Demo Available (Running with Docker):
** Allowed for manage one server... can start, stop, modify, etc..
- url:
- user: demo
- password: demo
fyi: The Links of the first Post are outdated.
Yes... dropbox policy changes.. all public url's turn to private
= i will not use dropbox any more..
First post cleaned thx!
created one as well and updated tutorial with more helpful things I came across while trying this out:
user: demo
pass: demo
ports 8300-8400 can only be used
Teeworlds Forum → Fan Art and Other → [LINUX][TOOL] Teeworlds Web Panel v0.3.2
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