Topic: Android game similar to teeworlds

Hi everyone!

I have my small project "Flying Tee". It's android game. The main idea is the similar to solo DDRace maps.


It's hard to do everything by myself. For example, I can't make good graphics, maps, tilesets etc.

So it would be nice if some of you can make some graphics (Main screen, choose level, end game, etc.)
Also I need some good maps for my game (If somebody wants to make it I'll post a guide how to)

In addition, can you tell me how to render tee from tee_skin.png ?

Download preview apk

Thank you for reading this post.
I hope there are some people who can help me smile


Re: Android game similar to teeworlds

Be nice! // heinrich5991

I will be banned if I troll again ...


Re: Android game similar to teeworlds

Have you thought about putting this game into a git repository (e.G. on GitHub) to get people contribute?

Real programmers don't comment their code - it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.
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