Topic: Binds useful

I would like know if players know usefuls binds to play like bind m say /emote happy 9999

Thank you toasnwer if you know binds useful.

All join oP~~Pro clan block teeworlds


Re: Binds useful

bind [key] kill

Can be usefull when playing FNG.

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. tongue


Re: Binds useful

There is too bind mouse 1 "+hook;emote 5" like it when you hook you do an emote
there is too for bind mouse 1 "+fire;emote 5"

All join oP~~Pro clan block teeworlds


Re: Binds useful

bind [key] "+prevweapon;+fire"
usefull for block to switch on hammer and shoot at the same time

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