1 (edited by infiniteBox 2013-05-09 09:20:57)

Topic: Consent on developing a Teeworlds spin-off

Hi all,

I would like to know from the developers on what is the general consent on doing a Teeworlds spin-off.

I am intending to create a Teeworlds RPG game with traditional RPG elements such as systems for levels, classes, skills, monsters and possibly a lore to expand the Teeworlds universe. My aim is not to modify on the existing code base but clone the game from scratch and slowly add in the features.

Teeworlds falls under the zlib license, so anyone's free to temper with the source codes and create modified versions of the game. I am aiming to create a new game, borrowing Teeworlds' IP. Which is a different matter, hence this post.

At the moment, this is purely for educational purpose to hone my general development and C++ skills (hence the clone/rewrite). I've sent a proposal email to  'contact@teeworlds.com' but I have not received a reply. Thought I should ask the question here as well.



Re: Consent on developing a Teeworlds spin-off

If you want to ask the developers directly, go to irc.quakenet.org/#teeworlds-dev (you can use the quakenet IRC webchat for that).

But I can already tell the developers will very probably encourage this, and if not, they just won't care too much. Everyone here is already doing that anyway and you're probably going to do some better stuff.

By the way, what does "borrowing Teeworlds' IP" mean? Teeworlds doesn't have an IP.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Consent on developing a Teeworlds spin-off

The email you sent got sucked up by the spam filter. I have marked it as an email that I will reply to.

EDIT: or come talk to us on IRC like Dune said.


Re: Consent on developing a Teeworlds spin-off

Thanks Dune and matricks.

I will pop on the irc channel once I have some time to setup for IRC. In the meantime I will just keep an eye on my email inbox.

@Dune: IP stands for "Intellectual property". In this case, the "Teeworlds" name and it's combination of gameplay, art style etc.  I guess it was just an easy way for me to say, I want to borrow, use and expand the Teeworlds universe, and use what's available now in Teeworlds at my disposal. IP might not have been the correct term... tongue