1 (edited by Aristarhys 2012-11-09 20:10:04)

Topic: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

Hi, i'm amateur android developer, with active account.

Here list what i'm capable of:
1) C (C++) - i'm C profiecient, but totaly ok with C++, just prefer old functional style.
2) Java - i learn it because of Android, so it maybe not so deep knowledge, but i never get trouble with Java.
3) NDK and JNI - just because C (C++) code runnig on Android, can become C (C++) code running on Iphone (which i don't have).
4) Lua. I compile LuaLib for Android, and embend Lua scripts in C (C++), but scripts was simple, i'm only begginer in that.
5)OpenGL ES 2.0 and GLSL - i wrote simple engine which works with 2d sprites, animation sprites, point srites, text, multipass shaders (like bloom). Know how to work with FBO, buffer objects, simple lighting.
6)Android - i capable of doing simple games and apps for android, using Android UI elements in games (like AlertDialogs for various text inputs, WebView etc). Can do Admob integration, In-app billing.

I use tools like
Visual Studio 2010 + Visual Assist plugin
Eclipse SDK + ADT plugin
Mercurial (HG)

Here is video of some demo project (warning contains ponies)

2 (edited by Dune 2012-11-09 20:07:49)

Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

Hello, and welcome!

If you want to help out with Teeworlds development, here are some very useful links for you:

The doc for coding on Teeworlds
The github project page of Teeworlds
The general doc

Teeworlds is (very much) mainly written in C++, although there are still a lot of C-style parts. Some data stuff is handled with python then compiled in C, and we use a compilation tool written in LUA.

PS: <3 ponies

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

Go Rainbow Dash!

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

Realy epic if you will make tw with mp by connecting with master servers like a pilya port smile Anyway we wait you first works!


Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

I know a bit of android developement too, I can help you if you wish ^^ PM me for my skype wink

C++/Java my life ^^
If you like dislike button click it

6 (edited by pelya 2012-12-28 19:41:08)

Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

Here are the sources of my old Android port, just in case you've missed it: https://github.com/pelya/commandergeniu … rlds-0.5.2
I also have a new version, based on TeeWorlds 0.6, but it's not playable yet: https://github.com/pelya/commandergeniu … teeworlds/

I think I've finally got an idea how to make a touchscreen controls that won't suck, maybe I'll finish and re-publish my port somewhere around 2013.
It will be two joysticks, one for shooting weapons, the other one for moving+jumping+ninjaroping, you'll need to swipe up across the joystick to jump, and tap the joystick to shoot hook/ninjarope. Sounds simple, right? I've had to actually port a 3D shooter game to Android, to come up with that idea, and it still may fail, because TeeWorlds controls are more complicated than controls for 3D shooter game, because of that ninja rope.


Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

Welcome back Pelya ! Nice that you  are still active ! i see changes on github all the time ( Talking about tw on android)



Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

Nice to hear you are back wink

C++/Java my life ^^
If you like dislike button click it


Re: Can i contribute as Android Developer?

Android port is back