1 (edited by heinrich5991 2013-09-01 12:15:30)

Topic: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

One main reason for me to start creating this mod from scratch was that I disliked hosting closed source mods on my server.
Current status: Release-candidate4 (fixed a few variables for server config file)

Basic objective:
Humans have to survive a specified time avoid getting catched (hammered) and mutated by mutant team.

*) 2 teams (colored) - and without that "please balance warning"
*) 4 classes (reaper, mutant, human, hero) - all different colours (red, pastel red, pastel blue, blue)
*) Saved highscore for best human and and most scary mutant (threaded to avoid IO issues on v-servers)
*) Laserwalls (consuming shields, and created with just one hit instead of two hits)
*) Spawn protection (no endless kills when somebody put laserwalls to spawnpos)
*) Airstrikes caused by crazy AI (killing humans and mutants)
*) Cluster-Airstrikes called by human
*) Stationary turrets (machinegun like if you move onto it - consuming shields).
*) Self-shoot lasertraps shot by crazy AI (you can try to bypass them if you move slow and carefull enough ahead)
*) Biohazard tile (cause damage)
*) Hiding tiles (snapping turned off to avoid cheating)
*) Biohazard hiding tiles
*) Energynator (fast fillup of energy and health)
*) Reapinator (metamorph aliens to reaper if score is high enough)
*) Scientific research (hammer pickup - consuming shields) with different additions - See below. 
*) Generator (if destroyed by mutants it turns of energynator, selfshot lasertraps and research stations)
*) Bonus-Scores for multi-kills in a row
*) Mini-Singularity (black hole like - both static as map entity and ammo for alien-reaper)
*) Smart Hammerfly protection without phyisks change (if tee's are moving up in the sky out of the map friendly fire is activated)
*) Basic join-flood-protection (could be abused but already makes it a bit more difficult to make nonsense, probably I would extend it in further versions)
*) Open source.

Scientific research for human tees (consumes shields at "hammer pickup"):
*) Airstrike with clusterbombs
*) Forcefull ammo for gun (mutants would be thrown back)
*) Forcefull ammo for shotgun
*) Slighty faster reload for shotgun (default for heros)
*) Riddle Laser (does not stop at first hit but riddles your victim)
*) Tele-Laserinator (swap pos with your victim)
*) Healing-Laser (remutate your victim)
*) Cluster Grenadelauncher (when your grenade detonates it splits up into some clusters)
*) Longlife battery (increase lifetime of laserwall)
*) Hero genetics (don't mutate immediately when mutants hit you with hammer)
*) "Remember weapon" ...  Get your current researched weapon even in the next rounds (until you leave the server). Note: I would NOT add accounting for that (I'm pretty sure it would unbalance the game too much). It's even deactivated by default.

Alien mutant metamorphoses:
*) Starting shields
*) Endless hook
*) Alien multijump (4x jump - increaseable by consuming shields if available)
*) Bioharzard resistance
*) Selfheal
*) Alien-reaper metamorphoses

Reaper special:
Reaper does not take damage if they got randomly "flashing" mutation eyes but increase health instead (and may pass laserwalls) and even worse they own 2 bullets of the dangerous alien-black-hole-weapon that may be fired against a wall or some tee and sucks forcefully all tees and even projectiles within range.

Release-candidate4 is available. All downloads without warranty of any kind.

EDIT: For new downloads, see below.

Alien-TW RC4 linux32 binary (478kb) (down)
Alien-TW RC4 linux64 binary (544kb) (down)
Alien-TW RC4 win32 binary (598kb) (down)
Alien-TW RC4 source (patch from tw-0.6.1 > alien-tw) (849kb) (down)
Alien-TW RC4 source (full tar.gz) (9.1MB) (down)

Download entities.png (required for mapping) (66kb) (down)
Tilesets (for example the generator) can be found here:

Map area_52:
Screenshot 1: area_52 (down)
Screenshot 2: area_52 (down)
Screenshot 3: area_52 (down)
Screenshot 4: area_52 (down)
Overview: area_52 (down)
Download area_52.map (176kb) (down)

Map area_xenon:
Screenshot 1: area_xenon (down)
Screenshot 2: area_xenon (down)
Screenshot 3: area_xenon (down)
Overview: area_xenon (down)
Download area_xenon.map (127kb) (down)

Special thanks goes to: Botox, Gravity for giving ideas with their zombie-mods and GreyFox (coz ddrace-source often gave me a clue how to fiddle around) and even "HF", Nitro and that radioactive-sign guy that was one of the first players and helped me beta-testing.

Following lot's of configure stuff for the config.

To run a server please choose '"sv_gametype "alien"' in the config.

sv_singularityrange, 800, 1, 9999 "Singularity range"
sv_singularitykillrange, 40, 1, 1000 "Deathzone of singularity"
sv_singularinatorttl,10,1,9999, "Singularity TTL of Singularinator"
sv_minscoreplayers,1,1,16, "Minimum of players before high-score would be written."
sv_highscorepath, 2048, "./" "Pathname for high-score files."
sv_startmsg_a, 128, "And so it began..." "Startmsg 1 for humans"
sv_startmsg_b, 128, "A storm is brewing..." "Startmsg 2 for humans"
sv_startmsg_c, 128, "Is there still hope?" "Startmsg 3 for humans"
sv_startmsg_d, 128, "Please insert coin!", "Startmsg 4 for humans"
sv_mutemotedelay, 20,5,9999, "Base-delay of random protecting mutantic eye flashing (+10 secs rand)"
sv_airstrikettl,1500,1,9999, "TTL for airstrike grenades"
sv_initairstrike,1,0,1, "Do random airstrike at start"
sv_clusters,6,0,24,"How many clusters per grenade"
sv_airstrikeclusters,6,0,24,"How many clusters per human airstrike-grenade"
sv_alica_airstrikestep,128,32,9999, "Size of space between bomb-carpet of alica"
sv_hum_airstrikestep,64,32,9999, "Size of space between bomb-carpet of humans"
sv_reaperammo,2,0,10, "How many singularities at reaper start"
sv_healingammo,3,0,10, "How many healing laser ammo"
sv_gunmk2force,20,0,9999, "How many force for gun mk2"
sv_shotmk2force,10,0,9999,  "How many force for shotgun mk2"
sv_sciencesuccesscount,10,0,9999, "How many shields for research (0 to disable)"
sv_savesciencescore,0,0,9999, "Save double researches after round at min score (0 to disable)"
sv_sciencespawn,400,0,2000, "Time in msecs until hammer respawns at research"
sv_skipsciencestations,0,0,1, "Remove science stations when map is loaded"
sv_maxturretaimvel,10,0,9999, "Max movement speed before turret will fire on tee"
sv_turretaimnohumans,0,0,1, "Laserturrets should just aim mutants"
sv_turretrange,500,0,1000, "Range of laserturrets"
sv_laserwalldelay, 1, 0, 5,  "Delay before laserwall would be activated"
sv_laserwalllength, 266, 0, 9999,  "Length for one hit laserwall"
sv_normalbattery,3000,1,9999"Time that one shield keep laserwall on power"
sv_superbattery,4500,1,9999, "Time that one shield keep laserwall on power"
sv_lw_limit,0,0,1, "Limit TTL of laserwall to 10 x batterypower"
sv_lw_limit_non_al_map,1,0,1,, "Limit TTL of laserwall to 10 x batterypower in non-alien maps"
sv_heroairstrike,0,0,1, "Give airstrike when player get hero"
sv_reapinatordisabled,0,0,1, "Disable reapinator"
sv_reapinatordelay,120,1,9999, "Init delay of reapinator (in secs)"
sv_reapinator_minscore,5,0,9999, "Min player score for reapinator"
sv_reaperminscore,7,0,9999, "Min player score for reaper (without reapinator)"
sv_metamorphosecount,1,0,9999, "How many kills until metamorphose"
sv_becamehero_score,15,0,9999, "Score to became hero"
sv_autoresearchscore, 3,0,9999, "BonusScore to init research lottery - (0 to disable)"
sv_emptyresearch, 1,0,1,"Auto research only on maps without hammer pickup"
sv_infogot, 64, "got:", "Autoresearch text success text"
sv_inforesearched, 64, "researched:", "Manual hammer research success text"
sv_hackedairstrike, 64, "hacked Alica-AI and got an airstrike!",  "Became airstrike text at research"
sv_gotairstrike, 64, "got an airstrike!", "Became airstrike text no-research"
sv_scepticmsg_on, 1,0,1, "Enable energynator sceptic msg."
sv_happymsg_on, 1,0,1, "Enable energynator sceptic msg."
sv_bonusmsg_on, 1,0,1, "Enable generic research and metamorph-messages."
sv_scepticenergynator_a, 128, "Energynator: You are a mutant, aren't you?", "Sceptic energynator text 1"
sv_scepticenergynator_b, 128, "Energynator: Starting fillup... Hey wait a minute!",  "Sceptic energynator text 2"
sv_scepticenergynator_c, 128, "Energynator: Go away scary mutant!", "Sceptic energynator text 3"
sv_scepticenergynator_d, 128, "Energynator: :P", "Sceptic energynator text 4"
sv_scepticenergynator_e, 128, "Energynator: Help!!! I'm getting raped my mutants!", "Sceptic energynator text 5"
sv_happyreapinator_a, 128, "Reapinator: Hello alien-reaper. I'm your personal fan (but don't tell this energynator), "Happy reapinator text 1"
sv_happyreapinator_b, 128, "Reapinator: Hint: If your eyes are flashing you are almost undestructable!", "Happy reapinator text 2"
sv_happyreapinator_c, 128, "Reapinator: I love you!", "Happy reapinator text 3"
sv_happyreapinator_d, 128, "Reapinator: You are sooo cool!",  "Happy reapinator text 4"
sv_happyreapinator_e, 128, "Reapinator: A real reaper!", "Happy reapinator test 5"
sv_survivebonus, 3,0,9999, "Score bonus for survive at game-end."
sv_dummy, 1,0,1, "Useless empty dummy for vote"


EDIT: New download links, kindly provided by Mo2:
Source code diff against teeworlds 0.6.1
Entities and maps


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Holy moly. that sounds super complicated! But pretty cool. I am also against closed source mad.

One little suggestion, could you add an option for "simple" mode more close to regular infection?

3 (edited by Mo2 2012-02-16 04:01:12)

Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Broken wrote:

Holy moly. that sounds super complicated!

It's not really complicated in my opinion coz most of it is optional anyway. You just have to survive (or catch). If you create a map without the "hammer-pickup" then your humans may not do research. One major difference is: Hearts are not useless but important to fillup your health and shields may be used for various stuff.


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Wow pretty cool mod with a LOT of stuff in it ^^

Btw. I feel like every week is coming a new zombie mod o_O
And more and more without the Idea of escaping from zombies/killing them.


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

BotoX wrote:

Btw. I feel like every week is coming a new zombie mod o_O

Mhhh... well... thanks for infecting us with that idea wink - I remember your mod was the first one in that genre.

And more and more without the Idea of escaping from zombies/killing them.

At first I included an escape zone that caused some countdown and had to be cleared from zombies but I've cut out that code-parts afterwards and included hiding tiles and other stuff instead. I think it should be only one: "Run away" or "barricade and camp". Your "run away" from zombies is done very well already - so no need to recode that (anyway last time I've played on some strange zEsc server with bullets not moving any longer ...but I was pretty sure this was no original zEsc). I've even found the idea of camping out the apocalypse nice. And to avoid too excessive camping I've included a good reason for the tees to leave their hideout (searching shields and hearts).


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

This sounds bad ass! ^_^

Can't wait!

Once in a century...


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Have you ever thought about contributing to official development Mo2?

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Sounds pretty cool!
And what's even cooler is that it is already coded. Good job! smile


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Oh thanks for your feedback smile
But I wanna test your mod too ^^ So when can we except a release / test server?


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

It looks great! smile I will be looking forward to play it when it is completed! wink

Teecrusaders clan
Leefy's blog! Never give up! on the way of becoming a programer! wink


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Public beta server is running ("Krautsalat-ng Alien - Public Beta"). Please report me any bugs here.


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Played this like an hour ago, good stuff.

Only like 2 other players though so couldn't figure some stuff out but liked what I saw.


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

It is cool! very good just when you went into the green stuff you stay like 3-4 minutes before getting out less time would be good like 2 minutes

Teecrusaders clan
Leefy's blog! Never give up! on the way of becoming a programer! wink


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Leefy wrote:

when you went into the green stuff you stay

Yes... I agree. It does not make sense for humans to survive there. I've changed behavior in biohazard lakes that humans take damage and even mutants that does not got biohazard resistance or became reaper (coz aliens can heal themself in team afterwards anyway - and some does not know that they may escape when their eyes are flashing).

Greetings and thx for feedback,


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

too bad server is empty. I played like 60 seconds with 2 other players before they left the server. I didnt have enough time for real testing :\

Once in a century...

16 (edited by Mo2 2012-02-26 01:36:56)

Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

After getting some feedback in-game I think I would change some main parts of the mod to make it more simple.

My plan is to:
*) Remove real-infection (health lost / self-mutation). It works to prevent camping, but I think it's too confusing and not necessary at all coz many are moving around and grabbing shields already anyway so they can create laserwalls and do scientific research to get more advanced weapons. Since there are lasertraps hearts would not be fully useless afterwards as well (even they are not that important anymore). And with the reapers the mutants already have very dangerous warriors on their side as well (even the humans may increase strengh if getting better weapons).

*) Remove yellow hybrids. I liked that yellow coloured tees. But if real-infection is disabled it does not make sense anymore. 

*) Remove scanner. If real-infection is disabled it does not make sense anymore (and I'm afraid some did not really understand what it reported them anyway).

*) Remove freeze at biohazard tiles. I think damage is enough. Most was confused when dropped into that lakes.

If you have any further suggestions please tell me.

Edit: I've finished all of the above, polished my first example map and included "auto-simple-mode" if a map was loaded that does not contain research tiles it switches to "give goodies randomly by score". So I would release binaries and sources soon.



I've published a release-candidate (including source) for now (see first post). Please (still) report bugs here if you find some or suggestions if you have one. I've created already 2 maps. would upload screenshots and tilesets of the maps later (last map called "area_xenon" is a child of a few hours of today ... hopefully without any bugs so far big_smile).

With current version you can even load normal non-alien maps - for example white_dust (aka inf_dust). In that case it switches automatically in "simple-mode". Where nobody have to research or whatever (just run away or catch - all goodies are supplied randomly via score).



Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Hey Mo2,

nice Mod smile But, realy??

18 (edited by Mo2 2012-03-01 22:51:13)

Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Added tileset-link, and screenshots of the maps and server commands.
Updated to RC2 with following changes:

*) Hammerfly-protection (if you hammerfly too high (out of the map) then friendly-fire is turned on). So physiks did not change but it prevents cheating a bit (if somebody would wait until timeout somewhere out of the map in the air).
*) Basic join-flood-protection (may be abused... but gives some basic protection)
*) Surviving humans get increased score
*) Mutants that catch a hero get increased score

*) Teamchat (did not work in previous versions coz I did not use normal TW-Teams to avoid that annyoing balancing-msg)
*) Reduced hammer-speed to normal value (both red and blue tees) - it was a bug, no feature...
*) And I'm pretty sure some other stuff

Fixed incompatible build of linux-binaries (done on debian lenny).



Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

when i run this mod on win32, windows report this error

how i can fix this problem?

20 (edited by Mo2 2012-03-03 15:16:53)

Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

shahabaliboys wrote:

when i run this mod on win32, windows report this error

how i can fix this problem?

Thx for the screenshot. I've fixed the error with version RC3 (see first post) ... and I've even included some small fixes and default-values for "non-alien-maps" (and a possibility to specify survive-score-bonus via config).

The problem was caused by using mingw as compiler (I had libgcc in the path from the mingw-compiler so it found it even at testing on my build-machine). The new version is compiled with cl so just the alien*.exe is required. You can even run your version if you download the required lib from mingw. But I would recommend to update to RC3 anyway (coz it contains fixes and does not require that lib anymore).



Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

thanks alot big_smile


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

What does the Riddle Laser do? (peak your victim)???

Once in a century...


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)


What does the Riddle Laser do? (peak your victim)???

It does not stop if you hit an enemy.

normal laser:
Good guy-> O -------------*O   O O O         <-Bad guys (only first one is hit)

riddle laser:
Good guy-> O -------------O---O-O-O----*   <-Bad guys (all are hit if the are in one line)

But since most time you hurry to save your live the riddle laser is not much better then the normal laser.
So I think I would increase it somewhat. For example. Auto-Aim 2nd victim if you hit first victim with success

Good guy-> O -------------*O   
                                                     *O O O

And additionally I would add some impulse laser.
Good guy-> O ---  ---  ---  ---  *O

But I think I would finish my next map first (which got a new city tileset).



Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)

Also you should decrease round time limit. Mutants almost always win.

Once in a century...


Re: [MOD] Alien (RC4)


Also you should decrease round time limit. Mutants almost always win.

This is nothing special. It can be changed easy via common sv_timelimit (I've just added vote on my server).
