Topic: MOD Help

Hello I wanted to ask if someone could help me with an ACC system. I want it in my install namely soure.#
Please no stupid comments!



Re: MOD Help

u wont get any help with it. Just look into mods which already have an account system and try to understand it.
E.g. Teerace has an account system.

uptee - a simple web interface for hosting and maintaining teeworlds servers
teerace - a website gathering results of trusted Race-mod servers providing global ranking and statistics
*gV* rox ^^


Re: MOD Help

and where can I download it?


Re: MOD Help

There you go

Not Luck, Just Magic.

5 (edited by Sushi Tee 2011-11-25 16:37:55)

Re: MOD Help

or even better

uptee - a simple web interface for hosting and maintaining teeworlds servers
teerace - a website gathering results of trusted Race-mod servers providing global ranking and statistics
*gV* rox ^^


Re: MOD Help

I have not found the source code with which one server compildet "server_release".