Topic: Instagib Server (Config)


what should I enter in the config file so that ONLY one I've INSTAGB SERVER?

- This one is with ONE shot dead
- UNDEND ammunition
- NO powerups

==>!! Thanks in advance already! <=


Re: Instagib Server (Config)

This gamemode is not available with the standard servers. Look for the instagib mod (http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=976)

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Instagib Server (Config)

Hip-Hop_Blond long ago wrote:

Ok then, just download the build for your Operating System (I've posted links in my previous post) and place it in your Teeworlds folder.

The settings you need to modify:

sv_name "the name for your server"
sv_bindaddr (leave blank)
sv_port "the port" (usually 8303)
sv_external_port (in case of firewall or something, just it leave it blank)
sv_register "in case you want others to see your server set to 1 [b]"sv_register 1"[/b], if not: 0"
sv_map "map to use, usually dm1"
sv_rcon_password "admin password" ([b]set this and don't share it[/b])
sv_gametype "set this to idm itdm or ictf
password "password required to enter the server (double click it), leave blank for no password (like it should be)"

To add a vote type: add_vote "What do others see on the server" "the command" (only in this case with the "")

Example: add_vote "Change map to ctf2" "change_map ctf2"

Paste them in a text file (already setted by you without " and ()) and save that file instead of new text document.txt -> autoexec.cfg and paste/replace it in the Teeworlds configuration folder which can be found by double clicking the batch file in your Teeworlds folder. Start the server, go ingame and check the LAN tab, if you see it then everything is ok, if not you messed it up somewhere, write back.

More Settings, Admin Commands, Info on setting up your server: here.

More about the current instagib mod you're hosting riiight here.

Good luck.

Have fun