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Teeworlds Forum → Modifications → [CLIENT] Teeworlds Gamer
JAOzera |BR| wrote:hi, the 4.1 very good!
I have a request that it add a Chat tool, found in the client "teeworlds_pack"is very useful because many players as I have a little big name, when someone writes my name use an abbreviation, so it does not activate the "special sound and color distaque"
and with this tool, I can add all possible Abbreviations of my namePeople can use "Tab" to get your exact nickname (I personnaly never highligh in another way), so even if you're named ~#BLA#& Jâzõera they should be able to highlight you
compiled 4.1 for linux,
Thank you!
all the files needed to run the binary are included
Well, no they aren't, you only included the standard data files from Teeworlds. Re-uploading that now
oops, haha i guessed i missed that!
Would there be in the next version the ingamebrowse again? this was one of my favourite feature of the gamer client
Would there be in the next version the ingamebrowse again?
this was one of my favourite feature of the gamer client
Read the main (first) post:
What I should work on
Port the ingame server browser
Dune I'm still experiencing the crash problem. The game crashes 1 out of 10 times the map has been switched, I have downloaded a new map or I'm connecting to a server leaving all data during the current session lost, /Windows XP/, didn't had that on the 0.5.2 version Am I the only one again?
BTW: I've found out a way to delete everything out the clan spot, just add an interval there
Would there be in the next version the ingamebrowse again?
this was one of my favourite feature of the gamer client
As being discussed here, I'm trying to find a way to do that for 4.2, but I need to find a place where to put the tab.
Dune I'm still experiencing the crash problem. The game crashes 1 out of 10 times the map has been switched, I have downloaded a new map or I'm connecfting to a server leaving all data during the current session lost, /Windows XP/, didn't had that on the 0.5.2 version
Am I the only one again?
I'm not having any crash since I'm using 4.1... could you tell me how to reproduce the bug?
BTW: I've found out a way to delete everything out the clan spot, just add an interval there
Or use cl_sendclientinfo 0. It's exactly the same behavior. (I already fixed that little hack in 4.2)
oh i'm sry...i overread it ^^ hope you forgive me
if i use team skins and play dm everyone haves the skin which i choosed for my team.
but because in dm everyone is my enemy they should get the skin from the enemy team (which you can set in the settings)
EDIT: Dune you are my hero =-)
if i use team skins and play dm everyone haves the skin which i choosed for my team.
but because in dm everyone is my enemy they should get the skin from the enemy team (which you can set in the settings)
That makes sense. I just fixed this :)
Hi dune do u remember me?
I have an idea for teeworlds gamer: a tchat room for friends !!
A little things not a messenger but it can be cool pls..
What I should work on when I'd have enough time
IRC-based chatroom
I've already tried to make some kind of IRC chatroom, but I still have got some problems including the new required libraries into the project.
hi dune
my teeworlds gamer is crashing sometimes when using teleports or when joining a server
can you fix this
hi dune
my teeworlds gamer is crashing sometimes when using teleports or when joining a server
can you fix this
I'd need some more detailed info. Which servers make your client crash when joining them? Races with not-yet-downloaded maps? Where do the teleport make your client crash (which mod), and how does it happend?
This happens to me too.
It appears, when I'm joining into some crazy server like Fun-CTF (don't remember exactly, but think the mod is called Fun-CTF) or some DDRace server.
The maps weren't downloaded. After downloading the map the client crashes.
Uploaded with
This was the reason
Gametype was Zesc.
There was a positive vote for a mapchange.
Thank you for reporting, and yeah it seems the client is sometimes crashing on maprotating... partially fixed it (at least I've experienced no crash anymore since I fixed it), but it still happends to some people, don't know why...
Released v4.2!
What has been done
Laser colors mod like in the 0.5.2 Teecomp
I've recoded the old Teecomp laser color modifier for 0.6, you'll find it in Teecomp - Misc!
Link to the article
> Linked the gamer to a version server, so one gets warned when a new version is released
When a new gamer version will be released, you'll see a little visual warning on the bottom left of the menus browser! :)
Link to the article
> Added clan plates
You now can see the clan of your opponents ingame, just upon the nameplates.
Link to the article
> In DM, enemies are now properly forced to wear the team2 skin.
> Added missing options in the Settings GUI, reworked the Settings UI engine
> Separated mouse sensitivities for menus and ingame
An option for menus mousesens is now available next to the ingame mousens.
Link to the article
> Added some missing gametype colors
> Added visual announcers!
Announcers are now rendered when a sound is played. Moreover, the announcer is synchronized with the sound being played! :D
Link to the article
> Highlighted friends in green in the server browser detailed view (and pull requested it to oy's fork)
Link to the article
> Ported the ingame server browser to 0.6.0!
Link to the article
> Resized the ingame menus tabs to fix a lot of overlapping problems
The 43 version were especially concerned by overlapping issues.
Link to the article
> Added separated config file
Link to the article
> Fixed some problems with the hand while using gcolors
It appeared they weren't properly colored, and the feet were also colored regardless if you had the option on or off.
> Added an option for the limit port the client is listening to while looking for LAN servers
Use cl_local_port_limit [port limit] to change the port limit the client is listening to.
> Added a country filter
You now can look for your country mates!
Link to the article
I already got it compiled on all the platforms, so there you go:
Windows pack (.rar) - Compiled by myself
Windows pack (.zip) - Compiled by myself
Linux x86 pack (.zip) - Compiled by Kottizen
Linux x86 pack (.7z) - Compiled by Kottizen
Linux 64 bit pack (.zip) - Compiled by heinrich5991
Mac pack (.zip) - Compiled by MertenNor
Have a lot of fun! :)
Does the crash bug still exist?
Does the crash bug still exist? :)
It should be fixed, I never crashed with the 4.2 version :)
heinrich5991 wrote:Does the crash bug still exist?
It should be fixed, I never crashed with the 4.2 version
But my gamer client crashed recently (Sorry, having no dbg information)
But my gamer client crashed recently
(Sorry, having no dbg information)
Still on maprotating?
The client crashed at changing server throught the ingame server browser. This happens to me.(The server I was and the one I'd like to change were both standard gametype)
Still on maprotating?
After having finished loading the map. (The map appeared for a moment)
Quite the bug a? I believe this seems to be dune's biggest programming challenge
I will edit this post with some debug info when I have the time to play a little (hopefully) :S
The only advice I can give players so far is... restart the game whenever changes to the config have been made to ensure they will be saved.
Good Luck Dune!
Quite the bug a? I believe this seems to be dune's biggest programming challenge
I will edit this post with some debug info when I have the time to play a little (hopefully) :S
The only advice I can give players so far is... restart the game whenever changes to the config have been made to ensure they will be saved.
Good Luck Dune!
The problem is actually there since the first 0.6.0 version of the gamer (v4.0 then). When loading a new map just immediatly after having played on another one (can be done via maprotating or ingame server browser) there is a little chance for the client to crash.
I've coded a little fix in 4.1, and since then, I never experienced a crash. Although, it seems some people are still havin this issue. It seems the bug comes from an unfortunate incompatibility with the race client, it has something to do with the new tiles the race mod introduced.
Ah, and there are a lot of other difficult things to code looking waaaaay more challenging than this.
Imo the problem with crashing is a bug in one of the options. I had this problem with crashing, it was happening around 1 per 10 map changes, but i choose some other options in client and it stopped. I didnt get a single one crash since then(and i am talking about previuos version of client, not the newest one). Too bad i dont exactly remember what i changed Ofc its only seggestion from me, i cant say its the problem.
Also I would like to say that you are doing good job with client and i am looking forward to ingame IRC chat, it will be awsame. Btw quakesounds rox
Imo the problem with crashing is a bug in one of the options. I had this problem with crashing, it was happening around 1 per 10 map changes, but i choose some other options in client and it stopped.
It's very probably due to something about stats registering or some race options. I would very glad if you could find which options make this bug appearing, this crash bug is really a pain in the ass.
Teeworlds Forum → Modifications → [CLIENT] Teeworlds Gamer
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