1 (edited by Dune 2010-05-23 10:09:16)

Topic: [MOD] BASKET 2.1


Great info for basketballers, BASKET version 2.1 is released smile

|ZPote|LordSkelethom, already creator of the older basket mod basketball1.0 is coming made a great full reprogramming of the modpack (which includes BALL mod) by scosu.

The source code got cleaner than the scosu's one and he added some commands of use and deleted a lot of useless ones from scosu (full doc at http://scosu.org/index.php?site=28&language=en ).
It includes :

  • Some secondary options like openning clanwars and the useful Game paused by admin

  • A better course management

  • Nice sounds for dunks

  • Bug fixing : the dunker get 3 pts

  • Recap of the best dunkers, passers, defenders, hitters, and goalers at the end of the match added, then removed because of bug.

  • Differents scores :

  • 2 pts for normal score - as in the real basket.

  • 3 pts for dunks

  • 3 pts for score with pass

  • 4 pts for dunks with pass

  • ---------------------------

  • Notice : Old maps aren't compatibles with this mod (no dunks) because lord changed the sense of a tile.

He also redisigned 1.0 and 0.5 maps (with 1.1 and 0.6) :
All design is remade for the basketball0.6
High detail is added for the basketball1.1.

Then I (dunedune) added some missing commands :

  • mute (id)

  • mute (id) (reason)

  • unmute (id)

  • spec (id)

  • sv_silence 0/1

  • sv_spec_silence 0/1

  • sv_total_silence 0/1

I also added the management of the ball owning time and the points per goal.

To balance the two ways ceiling/ground availables on basketball1.0, I modified the ceiling to make it harder (and so more risky, balanced) and so created basketball1.4.
I also enhanced in basketball1.5 the camping point above the basket, so that it's quite harder to camp and you don't have to fear that the ball bounces and go out of the basket without scoring. (Edit : deleted this map, unused)

Download map :

Abandonned maps : (link still available)

Zocka's old map :

Download BASKET binairies for :
Windows 32 bit (.rar)
Linux (zip)

Edit: Fixed some faults, update the linux version

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Gz for all Basketball Fans. i never liked this mod, but its nice to ehar, that old projects arent forgotten and still find a place in teeworlds.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

This is old mod. No1 not play this anymore tongue

4 (edited by Dune 2009-10-01 17:11:36)

Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Mikael96 wrote:

This is old mod. No1 not play this anymore tongue

Oh my god, don't post when you don't even know what you are talking about... there are basketball teams (MB, $C, H~C, EliteKillers, BG, NB... even ZPote played basketball ^^).

It's not at all an inactive mod, there are many servers, and clanwars still exist...
That's not a freaky mod there are strategies, tricks... it's not that easy to put the ball in this hole smile
Just don't go on the hightech tuned server.

old projects arent forgotten

Basketball exists since 0.4.2 (or before) and never died... thanks to clan and to the LordSkelethom's great enhancements.
It looks like if you said that instagib in an old project which isn't forgotten...

If you want to learn more about basketball or ask anything, [MB] get a (active ^^) forum  :
The [MB] forum

or just answer here smile


Edit : Thank you fear for compiling it for Linux, I edit the first post smile .

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Updated the windows binaries link, is now 0.5.2.
Then, it's protected from crashers smile

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

What to put as gametype? :S


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

sv_gametype basket

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Could anyone please put a example config file here?
I would be very thankfull!

9 (edited by Dune 2010-03-09 20:06:44)

Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

There are some explications on http://duneudne.free.fr/MB

sv_name Basketball server
sv_gametype basket
sv_scorelimit 35
sv_timelimit 10
sv_rcon_password ***
sv_map basketball1.4 (or other map of course)
sv_max_clients 16
sv_spectators_slots 10 (or 12 if you want 2on2)
sv_motd Server by Teeman
addvote restart 5

Edit : Updated maps, released ones were beta versions with graphic bugs... sorry about that.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Inofficial but fast as hell download mirror, directly downloadable:

Official hoster of the Lvl|x servers | lvlx.org
Mirroring popular Mods at teeworlds.secu.in
Hosting tons of Servers on my Gbit Root

11 (edited by Dune 2010-03-15 13:16:13)

Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

That's an old version Secu wink
I advise you to download it on http://duneudne.free.fr/MB/downloads.html. Then you'll get the last version, and be protected from some bugs (as the native teeworlds 0.5.1 security fault).

Edit: As this guy tried to post this in a lot of released mods topics, I warn you this might be a malware (didn't test it).

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Nah, i'm just a nice guy mirroring serverfiles on my fast lighttpd webserver, don't like it being hosted on shitty solidfiles or stuff.

Thanks for the notice. going to change files.

Official hoster of the Lvl|x servers | lvlx.org
Mirroring popular Mods at teeworlds.secu.in
Hosting tons of Servers on my Gbit Root


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Sry that im writing here after a half year but something deleted my Basket server and i needed a new one so i downloaded it.
But somehow it doesnt work. The exe opens the configurations but then it closes with an error.
i found nothing about it in the internet so i wanted to ask if you could help me pls.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

3pic_F4il_FTW wrote:

Sry that im writing here after a half year but something deleted my Basket server and i needed a new one so i downloaded it.
But somehow it doesnt work. The exe opens the configurations but then it closes with an error.
i found nothing about it in the internet so i wanted to ask if you could help me pls.

Can you give us your config file? There might be a problem with it (e.g. specified map not existing).

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

well the map exists and the configurations are:

sv_name KM`s Server
sv_map basketball1.0
sv_scorelimit 35
sv_gametype basket
sv_port 6112
sv_rcon_password *****
sv_max_clients 6
sv_spectator_slots 2
sv_player_keeptime 1
sv_ball_respawn 6
tune grenade_lifetime 15
tune air_control_speed 5
tune hook_drag_speed 30
tune ground_jump_impulse 14,2
tune air_jump_impulse 13
sv_bounce_loss_x 15
sv_bounce_loss_y 15
sv_suicide_score 0

I know that they are weird xD


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

3pic_F4il_FTW wrote:

well the map exists and the configurations are:

sv_name KM`s Server
sv_map basketball1.0
sv_scorelimit 35
sv_gametype basket
sv_port 6112
sv_rcon_password *****
sv_max_clients 6
sv_spectator_slots 2
sv_player_keeptime 1
sv_ball_respawn 6
tune grenade_lifetime 15
tune air_control_speed 5
tune hook_drag_speed 30
tune ground_jump_impulse 14,2
tune air_jump_impulse 13
sv_bounce_loss_x 15
sv_bounce_loss_y 15
sv_suicide_score 0

I know that they are weird xD

Most of your config variables don't exist in this mod (like sv_bounce_xxx or sv_suicide_score or sv_player_keeptime), and you don't need to perform those tunes.

Also, be sure the 'basketball1.0' map is in the data/maps folder, near to the teeworlds_basket_srv.exe.
Then, I'd recommand you to try this config:

sv_map basketball1.0
sv_gametype basket
sv_rcon_password *****

Just to see if it doesn't crash.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Thank you itworks now
but for the mod i had i needed this commands
maybe it was an other mod.
anyway Thank you for your help


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Dune wrote:
3pic_F4il_FTW wrote:

well the map exists and the configurations are:

sv_name KM`s Server
sv_map basketball1.0
sv_scorelimit 35
sv_gametype basket
sv_port 6112
sv_rcon_password *****
sv_max_clients 6
sv_spectator_slots 2
sv_player_keeptime 1
sv_ball_respawn 6
tune grenade_lifetime 15
tune air_control_speed 5
tune hook_drag_speed 30
tune ground_jump_impulse 14,2
tune air_jump_impulse 13
sv_bounce_loss_x 15
sv_bounce_loss_y 15
sv_suicide_score 0

I know that they are weird xD

Most of your config variables don't exist in this mod (like sv_bounce_xxx or sv_suicide_score or sv_player_keeptime), and you don't need to perform those tunes.

Also, be sure the 'basketball1.0' map is in the data/maps folder, near to the teeworlds_basket_srv.exe.
Then, I'd recommand you to try this config:

sv_map basketball1.0
sv_gametype basket
sv_rcon_password *****

Just to see if it doesn't crash.

Hi! I have to problems. First i cannot run the server in linux, ¿can u upload newest version or something plz?
2nd. Exist something like sv_player_keeptime ?? I'm interested in that cuz some servers throw the ball faster than others and i'm interested in that =P!

thx for all


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Hi! I have to problems. First i cannot run the server in linux, ¿can u upload newest version or something plz?
2nd. Exist something like sv_player_keeptime ?? I'm interested in that cuz some servers throw the ball faster than others and i'm interested in that =P!

thx for all


The uploaded version for linux is the newest version (which is getting old though tongue). What is wrong when you launch your server?

sv_player_keeptime is a feature only existing in BALL mod, not in BASKET. The mod we are talking about isn't designed to run anything else than a basketball map, so there is no such feature. Sorry.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Will this mod be ported to 0.6.0? No rush, it is just really enjoyable mod, and I guess you are busy. Im just asking to find out if it will happen in future


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

goo wrote:

Will this mod be ported to 0.6.0? No rush, it is just really enjoyable mod, and I guess you are busy. Im just asking to find out if it will happen in future

I'm having some issues to port server mods to 0.6.0, so it probably will not be done in the near future. I take note of the request, I'll try to do it when I'll have some free time and few tasks to complete.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

I cant find any Basket server... isnt there any or is basket not working?


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

Dune wrote:

I'm having some issues to port server mods to 0.6.0, so it probably will not be done in the near future.

The Basket mod is not ported to 0.6. You'll have to play this mod on 0.5.2. smile


Re: [MOD] BASKET 2.1

i Cant Tune The Basket If i Enter The Rcon Password i try to tune somthing i say
tune_basket 100
But The Rcon Say (Your Not Allowed To Tune!)
So Can Somebody Fix These Problem
I Dont Whant To Tune In The Autoexec.cfg file i Whant To Tune In The Rcon