Topic: [MOD] WaterMOD 0.60
After a long time of debugging, coffee, more debugging, even more coffee, a stay at hospital because of caffeine poisoning, I decided to release a beta of this modification now.
What is WaterMOD?
WaterMOD is a modification which brings new elements of gameplay to Teeworlds
The features are
Water with effects on your body like friction, oxygen consumption, water current in different directions
Doors which prevent you from going through them until you push the button (with fancy graphics
Team related doors which can be operated by red or blue team
Rifle reflecting water
Compatible to all (standard) game modes
Instagib (if you want to)
Weapon stripping when getting a hit with the hammer
Easter eggs (if you find them
Open source (of course)
How can I adjust WaterMod?
There are many server variables you can use to change the behavior of WaterMOD
The most important are:
name, default, min, max, description
sv_water_gravity, 30, -10000, 10000, gravity in water
sv_water_maxx, 600, -10000, 10000, max velocity in x direction when in water
sv_water_maxy, 450, -10000, 10000, max velocity in y direction when in water
sv_water_friction, 90, -10000, 10000, friction in water
sv_water_insta, 1, 0, 1, use instagib (just rifle, one hit kills)
sv_water_strip, 1, 0, 1, strip enemies weapon when hitting with hammer
sv_water_freezetime, 60, 0, 100000, time to freeze enemy when hitting with hammer
sv_water_oxygen, 1, 0, 1, use oxygen in water
sv_water_oxy_drain, 1300, -100000, 100000, speed of oxygen degeneration in water (50=1sec)
sv_water_oxy_regen, 250, -100000, 100000, speed of oxygen regeneration out of water
sv_water_oxy_emoteid, 3, 0, 100000, number of emote to show when getting damage due to oxygen
sv_water_gain, 100, 0, 100000, added speed if in flowing water
sv_water_reflect, 1, 0, 1, reflect lasers at water
Are there any limitations in WaterMOD
Yes, there are some limitations. One is that with high pings you might see the result of wrong client prediction of what will happen next. This is because I wanted to keep te mod compatible to the standard clients.
As I do my own physical calculations, the client thinks that just gravity is doing his job, while you are e.g. sitting on a door, drinking coffee. This "lags" can be annoying, but are hardly noticeable with low pings.
Maybe the developers will include some of this features to the official game to solve the lag-problem
Please be also aware that this mod is in its beta-stage, that means that there might be some bugs, as super-lags which appear sometimes, but I do not know why (yet). If you find any bugs, please tell me and I'll tell my keyboard hacking monkeys to fix it.
How can I make maps for this mod?
Just open your favorite map and guess which game tiles will do what.
Or use the super cool entities.png which is within the scope of supply.
A door will start at a "Door"-tile, will visit any "Door point"-tile and return to the second "Door"-tile if there is one, or will go back to the first one. A "Switch"-tile will be a switch to control the doors.
Door 11 to 16 are team related doors.
Who is running WaterMOD?
There are the following servers known to run WaterMOD:
->Blumentopf - Doors + WaterMOD (doors + water physics + instagib) ( is the official testing server for new versions and hosted by Apprentice Sheng (fng-mod)
->Die Bruderschaft des Thun WaterMOD 24/7 [AUT] ( is a 24/7 WaterMOD server hosted by mccae with the maps watergarden waterpirates
If you are hosting a WaterMOD server and want to appear in this list, let me know.
Are there compatible maps
There are indeed some maps yet, which iphone747 made for me.
He will release them within the next days, so don't miss them!
Until then, use this link for watergarden map:
If you made a cool map and want it to be listed here, let me know!
What do others think about WaterMOD
"Since I'm playing with water mod, I am just happier!" - M. Ingebag
"I was depressive and close to committing suicide, when a friend showed me WaterMOD. Since then, everything changed and I'm millionaire now!" - anonymous depressive banker
"I always had problems with my prostate, but with WaterMOD, no one will recognize my problems (except of warmer water). THANK YOU, WaterMOD!" - B. Gates
Now give me that stuff!
Current version 0.60:
Linux 32bit binaries: (Thanks to mccae)
Linux 64bit binaries:
Windows 32bit binaries: (Thanks to Sushi Tee)
Mac binaries: (Thanks to MertenNor)
Diff (for the lazy ones, vote fix allready included): … .6.0.patch (Thanks to Sushi Tee)
Apprentice Sheng for his technical help and the server
iphone747 for the beautiful maps
(oh, if you could compile the server for win64, please do so and give me the binaries, kthxbye)
Have fun!
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