Topic: Gamemode: Teerorists

It's like Counter-Strike with tees...

- Team-based: Counters and Terrorists
- 2 modes: bomb-defuse and hostage-rescue
- time-based rounds
- custom maps to provide best teamplay and tactics...

I think it's fun to swing around with your team heading to the hostages wich you have to rescue. The hostages would jump to follow you, but they don't hook so you have to take care of them and their movement wink
Bomb-defuse is simple, terrors have a bomb and can place them at two points. Counters have to defuse it or kill the terrors before planting...


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

[ ]For
I dont want cs in tw really
And i dont want any other gamemodes than the 3 that exist yet
I wouldnt simply fit into tw ...

kann nix kann alles
irc: fedeago_UTzone


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

cs is a bit critical with tw.. but i think tw should have more than the three modes everygame supports... see teewars as a parody of the popular games and u will will love it wink

4 (edited by FireArrow 2008-01-13 04:11:00)

Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

Sorry Feuerkelch, but I agree with kan³ix.

Teewars isn't ready for any more gamemodes yet, and frankly, I don't think it will be in a LONG time...

The only other gamemode I can see a need for right now is a racemode, but I think the one suggested in the other post is a bit to complicated.

Used to be very active waay back


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

kan³ix wrote:

[ ]For


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

Well, Counterstrike is a good teamplay-based multiplayer game, so making a Teewars CS mod isn't necessarily a flawed concept. I do, however, think it feels a bit pointless, out-of-scope of Teewars, and is also quite a lot of work. In other words; low probability of actually happening.

Game objectives (other than the CTF flags) is something we've discussed, but it's not on the agenda for now. Personally, I feel anything that takes away from the rapid pace of Teewars isn't as interesting.

As for supporting mods, we've tabled that discussion for now. It's not impossible, just not something done lightly. There are still so many of our own ideas we want to implement that adding mod support doesn't really make sense at the moment.


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

kan³ix wrote:

And i dont want any other gamemodes than the 3 that exist yet
I wouldnt simply fit into tw ...

The 3 gamemodes are ok, but some others could be very interesting ...
- Race Mode, say what you like, but at present it is very popular and they are playing on bastardised CTF maps! If this became a proper mode it could become even more popular...
- Clan Arena (Last Tee Standing), this team play mode would be a lot of fun and it is only an extension of TDM so shouldn't be too hard to implement.

As for Counter Strike, a variation of this could work...


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

racemode: its fun now, but the popularity will fade out
ca: this is not tw-like, its too slow i think

kann nix kann alles
irc: fedeago_UTzone


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

kan³ix wrote:

[ ]For

We won't CT in TW hmm Teewars is fast-gameplay deathmatch type game, so it should stay like it is now...

Poland wins the match! smile And BadSol copies my sig hmm
In game: TruLauri [PL], Lauri455 [PL]
GG#: 7062194, AQQ#: 4137213, Xfire: Lauri2047 (lauri455)


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

kan³ix wrote:

racemode: its fun now, but the popularity will fade out
ca: this is not tw-like, its too slow i think

racemode: If mappers make the maps, players will play them... Like it or not, racing is here to stay.
ca: slow??? You've either played with noobs or never played - IMHO it would work great in TW.

11 (edited by V34 2019-05-18 00:14:53)

Re: Gamemode: Teerorists



Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

I didn't say that we should copy cs 1on1... just keep the basic objectives and complete it with the fast tw gameplay...
I think it should stay fast and it could be realized with large maps for around 12-16 players... so you can arrange small squads to move around and backstep the enemys defence. Defending doesn't mean standing still an waiting, then the game would be broing, you're right, but you can defend efficiently while moving around for example the bombspot. Have a closer look at the bomb-defusing... while most of the counter-tees are firing waves on the teerorists and keep them moving, a small group can roush through the lines to defuse the bomb. It's the same when rescuing hostages. I think the basic structure stays in the game when you play such modes and in my opinion it would be fun to have an objective while playing tw wink

13 (edited by Dreamy 2008-01-13 19:37:08)

Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

I think there is room in the teewars concept for any amount of gamemodes, as long as they are all based on simple concepts and are kept distinctly different from each other. Thus I am for Racemode, Tag-mode as well as Last Tee Standing mode.

CS-mode seems a bit too complex though, I don´t think it would fit the Teewars minimalism.


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

Clan Arena? Like round-based TDM Teewars big_smile

Id play that non-stop


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

raph wrote:

Clan Arena? Like round-based TDM Teewars big_smile

Id play that non-stop

Yes, here is my original post on the subject:



Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

Teewars is Teewars, it have is own spirit which make it so particular... Don't copy the other games, please ;>

kan³ix wrote:

racemode: its fun now, but the popularity will fade out
ca: this is not tw-like, its too slow i think

Lol, slow?

aka oop²


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

Id constantly play CA if the gametype existed. I need to learn how to mod sad


Re: Gamemode: Teerorists

PrimeviL wrote:
kan³ix wrote:

racemode: its fun now, but the popularity will fade out
ca: this is not tw-like, its too slow i think

Lol, slow?

That was exactly my response ... I think he meant CS not CA wink