Topic: iPhone Version?

I don't know how you'd do it, but I personally would kill for an iPhone version of this game.

god@heaven:~$ sudo gedit /universe


Re: iPhone Version?

Bragbrag I haz teh iphnz!!!

I guess you havn't even played the game lol.
How would you play a game like this on a stupid cellphone?
You need two input devices one for the Tee and one in order
to aim. In fact the Iphone has no keys but a touchscreen supporting
multiple inputs at a time you could actually put both of your
fingers on it controling these seperately. Nevertheless you wouldn't
see a lot of what's going on anymore because your pinchers
are blocking your view!
Actually one would have to think of even a third way to change
guns and jump.
With teewars being very fastpaced ping becomes very important.
I don't think a connection like your cellphone has couldn't
even technically provide an enjoyable gameplay.

Congratz anyway, if you want to have a toy go with apple.


Re: iPhone Version?

Well the controls aren't the baddest point of a Mobile version of Teewars.

The baddest is the fact that people want the developers to spent time on making something so useless. The game aren't even finished. Now lets be realistic, do you want a mobile version of Counter-Strike? Half-Life? No, neither do you want a mobile version of Teewars.

Yes I'm a tee. But come on..


Re: iPhone Version?

Well, I would love to have teewars running on wierd platforms, but I (and probably not anyone else in the devteam) has time doing that. If you want to give it a try, hack away smile

Languages shapes the way we think, or don't.


Re: iPhone Version?

hmm a homebrew for my nds that would be nice wink