Re: TeeTV to broadcast ESL

Proposal: one could think in a thread which tactics (weapon harvesting, pushing, a.o.) and skills (accuracy, hooking, movement, a.o.) are common. If they are named, one could explain and judge the players by them during a transmitted game. That's not an easy task, I know.

Don't understand me wrong, you all did a great job!

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook

27 (edited by pAn!K - Hiryuu 2008-10-11 14:35:00)

Re: TeeTV to broadcast ESL

Yes I think the commentators could make some explanations during the game because there is a lots of tactics to explain.
For example what is map control or what is a close combat attack (hook+shotgun). But as Lappi, I think you all did a good job.

The one thing i didn't like during this tournament was the fact that all the brackets were the same days and before the semi-finals all matches were on BestOfOne.I really like to play more than 5 min against Daniel because I make a very bad begin after wait one hour to play hmm

That's why I will try to make MTC during at least 3 or 4 days, all at Bo3 except for the qualifications and with looser brackets too.

Anyway, it was a really nice broadcasting and tournament wink


Re: TeeTV to broadcast ESL

As always when you are new to things, you learn of mistakes quickly tongue. The things that I've thought of so far:

- Do not cast more then 1h total per person.
Not only did my throat die after a while, but my brain started to feel like jelly beans as well. Not being native English speaker does become really obvious after a while tongue.

- Try to fix delay on voice as much as possible. It kind of sucks hmm. It's already hard to keep up (tw is fast!) and it doesn't become more clear by being behind a bit.

- Sound quality could be better. Mic's are no telephones and any kind of breathing or small strange laughing comes out as crap. But this is also me speaking unclearly xP.

- Explanations and rephrasing.
My girlfriend saw the final (and heard most of the games). Afterwards she pointed out that I often said "And <A> wants to kill <B>", it seemed kind of pointless redundant information for her. Well shit, it ain't xP. I probably need an entire post just to explain that most of time, the players primary goal is NOT to kill their opponent, and the choice of when to commit to such an attack is possibly the most important decision in entire tw right now. So, not only do we need explanation of the various terms (all of them), I could probably phrase it a bit better as well. "B tries to run away/survive A's attacks" instead perhaps. Anyhow my plan is to start a dictionary thread here, where we will go through, and discuss the various terms and their interpretation.

- I could probably have talked a bit more after the final. Some reflections about the tournament and last games and such. But also I was very tired and just wanted to rest at that point xP.

Thanks for all the criticism and I hope we will do (even?) better next time smile.

aka kiwi


Re: TeeTV to broadcast ESL

airen wrote:

As always when you are new to things, you learn of mistakes quickly tongue.

I do hope so. There's a German bon mot saying "You'll become smarter by errors, so one error is not enough!" (it rhymes in German).

airen wrote:

Not being native English speaker does become really obvious after a while tongue.

But it's a good training on speaking even more fluently wink

airen wrote:

kind of breathing or small strange laughing comes out as crap.

Do you have a pop protection for your mic? sth like that: http://www.musix.ch/im/img111123-204124.jpg

airen wrote:

she pointed out that I often said "And <A> wants to kill <B>", it seemed kind of pointless redundant information for her.

That's exactly what I have noticed and made me laugh for a while. First I though:"Gosh, that's what this thing is all about tongue" But then it was obvious that it was about an aggressive move. If one collects phrase that mean sth like that, one could avoid an irritated girlfriend ;P

airen wrote:

"B tries to run away/survive A's attacks" instead perhaps. Anyhow my plan is to start a dictionary thread here, where we will go through, and discuss the various terms and their interpretation.

That is a very good idea! I'd take a look to see if I could contribute a phrase or two.

airen wrote:

I hope we will do (even?) better next time smile.

I hope so, too wink

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: TeeTV to broadcast ESL

Very good idea with the dictionary stuff.

We will meet again when the flowers spread their glorious scent of victory and the birds sing us the melody of justice...