Topic: Matrix weapon+tee skin

Here are my desings :
Weapons: [removed as they really weren't your design, on request of the creator]
Particles: http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/7 … ng-nb.html
Tee: http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/7 … ng-nb.html
I Hope you find it great!!!


Re: Matrix weapon+tee skin

cool can i in Matrix clan???


Re: Matrix weapon+tee skin

It dosen´t exist a clan.

4 (edited by toni 2008-08-14 20:23:35)

Re: Matrix weapon+tee skin

hmm you should give credits to 101kl & leo
(@0³7: lol gurke^^)


Re: Matrix weapon+tee skin

If you would JUST ASK ME i WOULD have GIVEN you permission.
Hate you Noobs who take peoples designs and don't give credit...
Give credit or i will have a mod take it off for you.

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: Matrix weapon+tee skin

WOAH, calm down 101kl. im sure this'll sort itself out

hello, my names jack, i love making new skins and i have a rubber duck for a gun!

why not...

7 (edited by 101kl 2008-08-16 08:03:56)

Re: Matrix weapon+tee skin

yeah, I'm just letting you know that it IS a offense to steal others work and claim it at your own.
you can plainly see that i have put my copyrighted symbol into the heath and he has just rubbed it out.
this is LOW and disgusting.

Last Warning.

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: Matrix weapon+tee skin

If you use someones work for your own you really should ask for permission and give them credit for it.

Original of the stolen weapon set can be found here:
http://www.teeworlds.com/forum/viewtopi … 007#p12007

Used to be very active waay back