1 (edited by therogue 2007-12-18 14:13:52)

Topic: Screenshot folder

At the moment the current default screenshot folder for windows is under %APPDATA%, which is a pain in the arse folder to get to for the vast majority of inexperienced people

Why not change the default to be My Documents\Teewars?

Also, is it not possible to have the option to save screenshots as JPG?


Re: Screenshot folder

therogue wrote:

At the moment the current default screenshot folder for windows is under %APPDATA%, which is a pain in the arse folder to get to for the vast majority of inexperienced people

Why not change the default to be My Documents\Teewars?

Also, is it not possible to have the option to save screenshots as JPG?

I've thought about doing that. I've provided the batch file just to direct people. Perhaps this will be changed in 0.3.1.


Re: Screenshot folder

IMO the config file and the screenshots dir should go into the game directory like in 0.2 as long there is no installer which completely erases the game and all its data. If a game is coming as .zip I expect it to only use the dir where I extract it to. But maybe it's just me smile I mean even games like Quake 3 just puts its config files directly in the game dir. The only keys stored in the registry are the installer ones.


Re: Screenshot folder

zq wrote:

IMO the config file and the screenshots dir should go into the game directory like in 0.2 as long there is no installer which completely erases the game and all its data. If a game is coming as .zip I expect it to only use the dir where I extract it to. But maybe it's just me smile I mean even games like Quake 3 just puts its config files directly in the game dir. The only keys stored in the registry are the installer ones.

This is a broken standard that comes from windows being a single user os only. I know that Vista will begin to force programs to remove this behavior (backwards compatibility is achieved with some emulation). I will not store it in the Teewars directory but moving it to My Documents (stupid name) is perhaps better then Application Data.


Re: Screenshot folder

Why not make an option so the user can choose where they wan't the screens to be stored? Personally I run OS X and I wan't them in "/Users/ME/Images/Teewars" (I don't know the location in english).


Re: Screenshot folder

I´d think the best thing would be too both default it in an easy too find spot and allow for personal settings.


Re: Screenshot folder

jangs wrote:

Why not make an option so the user can choose where they wan't the screens to be stored? Personally I run OS X and I wan't them in "/Users/ME/Images/Teewars" (I don't know the location in english).

They will probably end up In ~/Library/Application Support/Teewars once I'm done with the OSX settings rewrite. But you can always create a link there from your Image directory.

Languages shapes the way we think, or don't.