1 (edited by scosu 2008-06-06 16:01:12)

Topic: [MOD] improved physics + spamprotection and other

Short description
this mod can add a multiple of the tees velocity to the shots. The projectiles and the hook become faster when you are moving fast in the same direction you are shooting.
Spammer and people who change fast teams will be kicked automatically.
You can write an automatic start and end message which appears at the end or beginning in the chat.

Config options
Here are the commands with their standard values:

sv_startmessage     (message that appears at the beginning of a round, normal there is no message)
sv_endroundmessage     (message that appears at the end of a round, normal there is no message)

sv_teamchanges 0    (allowed teamchanges in 30 seconds, '0' = disabled)
sv_teamchangeskick 0    (allowed teamchanges, after the user tried to change team more often, before the player will be kicked, '0' = disabled)
sv_time_blocked 180    (how much seconds the player can't change team)

sv_messagesnum 0    (allowed messages in 30 seconds, '0' = disabled)
sv_messageskick 0    (allowed messages, after the user tried to send messages more often, before the player will be kicked, '0' = disabled)
sv_time_muted 180    (how much seconds the player is muted)

sv_gun_startvelocity 0    (how much of the player's velocity should be added to projectile velocity of the gun, good value is 260, '0' = disabled)
sv_shotgun_startvelocity 0    (how much of the player's velocity should be added to projectile velocity of the shotgun, good value is 260, '0' = disabled)
sv_grenadelauncher_startvelocity 0    (how much of the player's velocity should be added to projectile velocity of the grenadelauncher, good value is 500, '0' = disabled)
sv_hook_startvelocity 0    (how much of the player's velocity should be added to hook velocity, good value is 180, '0' = disabled)

sv_handle_mapvotes 0    (should '/++' and '/--' doesn't appear in global chat. then a confirmation is sent to the player. this option does not activate any displaying of voting results. it's only to let the player know that they voted successfully. the votes will be used by the statistics program i am working on)


sv_kick_teamkiller 0    (negative score of the player who should be kicked, write the positive value)

Bullet collision, to disable set the following 3 values to 0:
sv_gun_bulletdimension 0    (width and height of the gun bullet, good value could be 20)
sv_shotgun_bulletdimension 0    (width and height of the gun bullet, good value could be 20)
sv_grenade_bulletdimension 0    (width and height of the gun bullet, good value could be 130)

sv_activate_stopdamage 0    (the velocity difference which hurts the tee, good value could be 23, 0 to disable it)
sv_stopdamage 0    (the damage given if the velocity difference is greater than the value above, good value 3)
sv_correct_selfdamage 0    (gives on selfdamage complete damage. player are able to be hit of their bullets.)

Test the mod

.:scosu.de - improved physics [MOD] DM:.
.:scosu.de - improved physics [MOD] TDM+ranking:.
.:scosu.de - improved physics [MOD] CTF:.

server: scosu.de:8303-8305


Linux x86 binary
Linux x86_64 binary


Please post feedback and bugs


Re: [MOD] improved physics + spamprotection and other

i played on it.. looks real real xDD, good job but.. its not teeworldisch ... teeworlds is a fun game.. not a realistic one ... 
btw: when you move backwars and shot with a grenade strait the grenade flys up.. not really cool

sorry for bad englisch
i tell you later in icq in german wink

Remember me? Questions? Just leave a message, I will respond within 72 hrs!


Re: [MOD] improved physics + spamprotection and other

Interesting ... I already tested it and I am not sure what to think about it ...

Antoine de Saint Exupéry: It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
Besides -  I am the gfx guy!


Re: [MOD] improved physics + spamprotection and other

that should all be normal physics what you can also find throwing a ball and running wink

yes... it's a such amazing other gameplay. and difficult, i am much worse than in normal game wink

btw: the strange behavior of the hook is no bug. the hooking is calculated in the client and server and the server has a other calculation than the client so it seems a little strange.


Re: [MOD] improved physics + spamprotection and other

i found some bugs and fixed them:
sv_startmessage now appears to every player who joines.
message about kicking a player because of spam appears now before the player is kicked, so it is displayed now with the correct player-name and not "(invalid client)"

the old download is replaced by the new one.


Re: [MOD] improved physics + spamprotection and other

i don´t know if its a bug but when ur fast and shoot grenades in  the opposite direction they just fall down


Re: [MOD] improved physics + spamprotection and other

yes, that is correct. The velocity of the projectile is nearly 0 relative to the map, but to the player the relative velocity is normal.