Re: [PROJECT] Teequal [TQ]
It would if it weren't for the use of teleports and such, but maybe we should change the rules on that matter, not sure really.
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Teeworlds Forum → Community News → [PROJECT] Teequal [TQ]
It would if it weren't for the use of teleports and such, but maybe we should change the rules on that matter, not sure really.
- The map shouldn't need a specific mod to be playable, but it may be made to make use for mods.
I did not see this, sorry.
no problem
PrimeviL wrote:QualiTEE would be a better
+1 more.
I would also like you to check dm_twe_tweak for QT .
How about this map? :>
Hai, plz check my map. Its for TDM 2v2, or even 1v1. Ty.
How about my map:
Hm, I should renovate lost a bit.
What's wrong with pirates?
Hm, I should renovate lost a bit.
What's wrong with pirates?
Last time I checked pirates had awful tiling. Lost is very much on the edge, the creator has gotten rid of some inconsistencies, but it still has its problems, I will consider pirates and lost some more before deciding. The map "lal" by torch seems to have all the things on the list, even if a sun or something to make it prettier would be nice . Sebaci, without playing your map, but just looking @ the screenshots I think it is qualified, but I'll not put it up until I've had time to test it. CaptainHook, your map hasn't perfect tiling, as there are "blank" surfaces, dont use the grass-corner for making small pieces of grass, the blank surfaces doesn't look too good, else than that your map is okay. Oh, and if someone more is intrested in helping me with Teequal, please talk to m e on irc or something, Somerunce isn't active on this forum anymore so a replacement would be nice..
Hmm... maybe we should rework a little on the rules, feels like this is turning into looking if maps are tiled perfectly >.<
To sum it up:
Qualified from this post:
Prolly gonna be qualified when tested:
Needs some readjustments:
I fixed some bugs. Latest version:
I have an idea for TQ. You could run a server which would rotate ( 3 rounds per map for example ) newly created maps. ( 1 for ctf, 1 for dm ). Or run a map + setup ( 1vs1, many vs many ) for a day, next day another one. That way people would know the qualified maps, and mappers could get more feedback - what is wrong, what people like on their maps, etc etc. I cant help qualifying maps Chi11y, i cant get objective But many people here run servers, with silly mods/maps and instead of that they could help the mappers and the community. ( dont wanna offend anywho )
I fixed some bugs. Latest version:
Great, gonna look it up when I have time
torch: would be great if any of you police guys could setup such a server, I have no server or bandwidth... Draemy has hosted a similar project called "DM map gallery" or something like that at times, where he has taken good maps he found in the forums and made a rotation so people can try out the really good maps...
Could you be more specific about pirates? I know the ramp tiling on the ship is horrible, but is that all?
Could you be more specific about pirates? I know the ramp tiling on the ship is horrible, but is that all?
The map has undergone great improvements, but AFAIK the water is still tiled terribly.
I have an idea for TQ. You could run a server which would rotate ( 3 rounds per map for example ) newly created maps. ( 1 for ctf, 1 for dm ). Or run a map + setup ( 1vs1, many vs many ) for a day, next day another one. That way people would know the qualified maps, and mappers could get more feedback - what is wrong, what people like on their maps, etc etc. I cant help qualifying maps Chi11y, i cant get objective
But many people here run servers, with silly mods/maps and instead of that they could help the mappers and the community. ( dont wanna offend anywho )
i had some time ago a TQ-server but my simple problem was, that nearly noone used it.
if you send me the maps or the links to the maps, i could host a server with those maps again.
* is NOT balanced.
* has a dead end flagroom (personal dislike)
* has an open, hookable sky (personal dislike)
* has suboptimal set tiles (water, most right part of the ship)
* has invisible solid obstacles (right above the entrance to the lower deck)
i had some time ago a TQ-server but my simple problem was, that nearly noone used it.
if you send me the maps or the links to the maps, i could host a server with those maps again.
Hold on, I'm coming ! ( Btw ty x 1000 )
Gametype: TDM
Setup: 2v2
Powerups: no
map here, sample config here
Will post more soon.
Edit: you can make a rotation with this map added. Maybe 3 rounds per map ? Its on u. If you really will run them Ill need to say thanks again.
Hm, what would be some alternatives to the hookable sky? It would look weird to have some ground tiles there.
* is NOT balanced.
* has a dead end flagroom (personal dislike)
* has an open, hookable sky (personal dislike)
* has suboptimal set tiles (water, most right part of the ship)
* has invisible solid obstacles (right above the entrance to the lower deck)
This is old pirates, "beachfight" the sucessor has this things fixed. Except I think the tileset issue.
Hm, what would be some alternatives to the hookable sky? It would look weird to have some ground tiles there.
A wire is drawn in beachfight. It looks really nice.
Oh, I see. Thanks.
ok, the server is online. - [TQ] map test:.
together with the first snapshot of my statistics, so you can see how the players voted for your maps:
scosu: all of the maps are easily searchable here on the forums, I'll dig up some links when I have nothing useful to do
oh btw, great that you host a server.
ok, added some maps from this topic
scosu: lost is not TQ'd yet, so I would prefer you not to have that on your server when having [TQ] in the title.. else than that, great!
Perhaps you can update the first post with all TQ's maps
Teeworlds Forum → Community News → [PROJECT] Teequal [TQ]
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