Topic: [SKIN] Animator skins.

I've been playing this game for a while, and ever since I first played it, I realized it had skins. Bored, I make some for myself. I've made skins to the point where I think I should just post them here.

These where the ones I made in Inkscape for the first time.

http://2.forumer.com/uploads/metanet/post-20-1208907060.png - blue_tetris skin. A guy who plays Teeworlds with me.
http://2.forumer.com/uploads/metanet/post-20-1209168672.png - Version 2.

I got tired of Inkscape, though. What took me hours on Inkscape took me only 15 min. in Photoshop (Yes, I am fully aware that Photoshop is a bitmap program. It still works.)

http://2.forumer.com/uploads/metanet/post-20-1209781787.png - Works well when your not in teams. Very little pixellation in the corners in teams.

http://2.forumer.com/uploads/metanet/post-20-1209851258.png - No arms. No legs. One eye. This skin is in reference to this game: http://www.thewayoftheninja.org/ This one works in all terms.

http://2.forumer.com/uploads/metanet/post-20-1210294183.png - Bass drum for body, cymbals for feet, whole notes for hands, and notes for eyes. Works in teams.

So there you have it.

I be, you be, you all be, what we be.


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

No comment.

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

Not my cup of tea, but still solid work. Of course one can do great skins with photoshop, but this presumes you could work with it - which most people here don't.

Question? search function
Short movies? Lappi's link loft
Teeworlds info'n'tuts on gfx? Landil's sketchbook


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

nice skins ^^ good work

Relaxx! (Oo)_,,,__


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.


GO AWAY *He load his Shotgun*

90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed.
If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.
My skins


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.


He be Dr. Tetris, PhD. My first attempt at making glasses.

I be, you be, you all be, what we be.


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

Did I scare everyone out with the usage of photoshop? Maybe. Anyway, here's one I'm going to use myself. I got bored. It's perfect, except for the fact it has spare pixels in the dark. Other than that, it's nice (in my opinion.)I had this with limbs earlier, but it looked much nicer without them, so I took them out. Besides, what mushroom moves but by sliding along the floor?


I be, you be, you all be, what we be.


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

OMG an UP ...

9 (edited by Izzy 2008-05-15 23:16:54)

Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

Yo, Animator, nice skins.  *Izzy checks only to find that he already haz em*

b_t plays Teeworlds?  On what server?


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

Those skins are preety cris but apparently i have them


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

$ RYAN $ wrote:

Those skins are preety cris but apparently i have them

Yes, Ryan, I bryson gave them to you because I gave them to him because I got it from the original site they were posted on.


Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

101kl wrote:

No comment.

"No comment." looks like a comment to me, a completely useless comment that you could save.

Nice skins, especially Dr. Tetris.

Dio Bastardo!

13 (edited by 101kl 2008-08-30 05:52:18)

Re: [SKIN] Animator skins.

peoro wrote:
101kl wrote:

No comment.

"No comment." looks like a comment to me

Quiet you!
*Throws a nuke at you*

  |Skins StudioPaw Steam Icon Graphics |