Topic: Loose Objects

While I was toying around with an afk tee today it occured to me that even that was quite fun. :p Perhaps you should add some loose objects to the maps, preferably tied down so they won't get to far and gather up in a pit somewhere. They might be more usefull hanging from the ceiling, making it harder to climb at some point since you now only have a small ball to aim for. This idea could be extended to also handle entire platforms dangling around.. Dunno, might be fun.
This also opens up for more game modes. One Idea I've had is that two teams have their own bases, and fights over a ball, initially located somewhere in the middle of the map. Trying to toss the ball towards your own base + not getting killed by the enemy = m-m-m-mega fun! (could be)

And while I'm at it, I also had a minor idea of another game mode, not including loose objects.. I haven't thought to much about it, but let's call it "not it", or "you're it." :p (whatever the child game is called) As I said I haven't thought too much about it, but basicaly it's DM, and you don't want to be "it". ;)


Re: Loose Objects

How do you mean with loose objects? Like a box or ball that one can pull around with the hook? In that case, "ballmines" could be fun. Balls that you can pull around, but don't want to touch wink
However I'm not sure what you mean with the "making it harder to climb..."-part. Could you explain a little more how you mean?

Used to be very active waay back


Re: Loose Objects

In the second paragraph, do you mean Tag (the game about chasing eachother)? I think tag could be mare fun in a more literal way, where the one who´s "it" really has too catch someone rather than killing. Could be by hitting once with the hammer for instance. Would be no shooting and all chasing - true tag smile. The one who´s it could be marked by a color and the hammer up, while all others could be completely without weapons. Coud probably be pretty fun.

4 (edited by gibbon 2007-11-20 14:00:20)

Re: Loose Objects

Sorry if I didn't make my self clear, I was pretty tired when I wrote last night. :p
With "loose objects" I mainly mean "a dead tee." Though as I said, it could also be entire hanging platforms. (diffrence from regular platforms would be that these won't stay put)
About the "harder to climb" part, imagine a suicidal tee that has hung him self.. There's a rope in the ceiling, and at the end of it there's a dead tee you can play around with. (though just a "ball" might be to prefer not to loose the cuteness of the  game :p) If you are right below it for instance, and there's no other wall around, you could try to jump up and climb up via the dead tee.. Or something similar.. Maybe not the best example, but I believe it could be usefull in some situations.
Ballmines sounds nice too. ;)
Dreamy; Exactly..! Might be fun.


Re: Loose Objects

ballmines would be wonderful big_smile