Topic: how to access control panel..

Ok, I did something kind of stupid. I bound my emoticons and I accidentally bound f2 to an emoticon. I went to the control panel accessed by tapping f1, and I typed in "unbind f1" instead of "undbind f2". Now I cant reverse that. Please tell me this isn't a big problem and is easily fixable. I can't access that place now because I unbound it. Is there any way to fix this?


Re: how to access control panel..

You can bind the local console in Settings -> Binds -> Console. After you click on Console, just press f1, afterwards you'll be able to use the console on f1 again.


Re: how to access control panel..

otherwise you all ways could exit the config setting, or if you force close teeworlds, it won't save this....

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)


Re: how to access control panel..

Schwertspize wrote:

otherwise you all ways could exit the config setting, or if you force close teeworlds, it won't save this....

Do you mean he could *delete* the configuration file? Yea, that would also work.


Re: how to access control panel..

no...  I mean he could append the bind there and restart

Having troubles finding servers in the serverlist? Go to Pastebin (its a referer cause there is daily a new pastebin) and add the lines to your settings.cfg (in %APPDATA%\teeworlds). Then open teeworlds and go to the favorites tab. (Note however, standard teeworlds client can only show 256 favorites, use ddnet instead)