1 (edited by Oblique. 2015-05-08 13:41:55)

Topic: [SOLVED]Run Teeworlds Server in Background (Terminal)


I recently got myself a VPS running Debian 7 Wheezy. I successfully managed to run a XXLDDRace server from the terminal via SSH, but I have to keep the SSH session running all the time in order to keep the XXLDDRace server running.


Is there anyway to have my Teeworlds server run in the background so that I don't have to keep the SSH session running all the time?

Hope this makes sense,

Sorry, I just figured out how to do this. These commands are all exexuted in the terminal (Linux).
1) "cd" into teeworlds directory
2) Run the server, but type an "&" at the end of it (i.e. "./XXLDDRace-Server_64_d &").
3) As you the see the output, type CTRL-Z.
4) Type " bg" to put it in the background and hit "ENTER".
5) Now teeworlds should be running as a background process. You can type "ps" to see the information on the processes, such as the PID (Process Identification number).
6) To bring the program back into the foreground, type "fg [PID]".
7) To kill the process, type "kill [PID]". If this doesn't work, type "kill -KILL [PID]".

A is for Apple.


Re: [SOLVED]Run Teeworlds Server in Background (Terminal)

there is

you start the server like so

screen -AmdS UNIQUE_WINDOW_NAME ./teeworlds_srv

or instead of ./teeworlds_srv your ./start.sh

or you start the server like always with ./teeworlds_srv and then push control (ctrl) + a + d together in order to detach the screen from your terminal.

to reattach the screen you


or simply look for it

screen -ls

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