1 (edited by Siile 2014-08-19 14:29:15)

Topic: Teeworlds & GLSL

So, I added shader support to my client. Basically all I did was copy-paste from here.

This far I have added just two simple shaders. One that flashes the tee red whenever it gets hit, and another that flashes the tee white when using sword. You'll see both shaders in action here.

Since big part of my talent lies within copy-paste techniques, I'd be grateful for cool ideas and examples of shaders in use. Maybe someone could even be able to think a way to make background & tiles more alive?


2 (edited by 2gethR 2014-08-27 08:35:20)

Re: Teeworlds & GLSL

I personally have no idea of coding or programming whatsoever, but I really like the idea. I'd love to see more improvements made by someone, for I am a mapper. Having some kind of shaders in the game would make everything look more dynamic and beautiful. Though it might kind of ruin the teeish aspect of the game. Maybe make it optional or put it in a modified client.
Another suggestion I'd have is maybe tint the players' screen red the more the player gets hurt. Doesn't really fit here but I just thought of that whilst seeing the red flash when the Tees got hurt.
Keep it up and I'd really like something more being developed in this direction.


Edit [August 21st, 2014]: I just looked at the video again and saw, that the Tees' color change to pure red. Maybe make it a little bit transparent?

P.S.: I hated the Tees' lower body parts. Who thought that was a good idea? It's not teeish at all, sorry. The blood is fine, though.

Move along, nothing to see here, really.