Topic: Changing the ninja ammo meter

I wanna propose that we change the ninja ammo meter in a way that it looks more like the other ammo displays.

For reference: Currently most of the weapons look like this:

Ninja however is displayed like that:

So what I'd like to see instead of that bar is ten little ninja swords, disappearing one by one as ninja times out.

What do you think about this idea? Comment please smile

See also #1174.


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

I think it would be a lot more homogeneous to the current ammo system and agree with your proposition.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

I believe Dune is right in thinking it would be a lot more homogeneous to the current ammo system and agree with him on agreeing with your proposition.

burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me.


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

why have i never seen this ninja bar? o.O


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

Broken wrote:

why have i never seen this ninja bar? o.O

It's new to 0.7, nobody™ has seen it yet.


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

What? 5 posts into this thread and everyone is actually agreeing on something?


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

Nilaya wrote:

What? 5 posts into this thread and everyone is actually agreeing on something?

I disagree with that.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

Of the two, I'd prefer the bar because you can tell the exact time, but overall I would prefer an effect on the tee when the ninja is about to run out, like when you get the star in a Mario game and Mario flashes whenever the effect is about to wear off

Ex-King of Teeworlds


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

This would harmonize perfectly with my suggestion to give the ninja an amount of "ammo" like other weapons (instead of a certain time) to make it more useful. Switching weapons could be made possible and voilá: The ninja would make a more useful weapon.
( It´s actually just a thought on how to make it more useful, I cannot say if it´s really a good idea. )
I would love to hear an opinion on this. smile

I like yemDX´s suggestion too.
If you are going to leave the ninja how it is (time-based) I would actually prefer that bar, because it makes the ninja seem more special (as it is an special power-up and not just a normal weapon).

Loving TW since 2010 smile


Re: Changing the ninja ammo meter

Jonas the Roman wrote:

This would harmonize perfectly with my suggestion to give the ninja an amount of "ammo" like other weapons (instead of a certain time) to make it more useful. Switching weapons could be made possible and voilá: The ninja would make a more useful weapon.
( It´s actually just a thought on how to make it more useful, I cannot say if it´s really a good idea. )
I would love to hear an opinion on this. smile

I like yemDX´s suggestion too.
If you are going to leave the ninja how it is (time-based) I would actually prefer that bar, because it makes the ninja seem more special (as it is an special power-up and not just a normal weapon).

You got one point wrong: Ninja is not defined as a weapon, but as a powerup, at least in the source. I dont think it should be switchable, but I totally agree with heinrich and Dune, the bar doesnt really fit into the teeish concept.

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