Topic: help loading a map in, crashes

This ddrace map crashes every client I try to load it in. I'm thinking either it was intentionally rigged to crash or some image in it causes problems.

Is there anyone that could read this map in or make it editable?



Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Some mods intentionally use map formats that make standard client editor crash so they get more people to use their associated client mods.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

i wasnt clear , i meant loading into the editor


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

That's what I mean too.

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

just don't "steal" and make your own maps ^^

ps. if its very old map then it might crash editor because it could have been done in very early version (0.6 trunk) of ddrace client and layers arent compatible anymore

but if its a newer map then i bet its intentionally done and just respect someones hard work and dont "steal"

or just spend some of your free time redraw whole map in editor then change the graphics improve some parts maybe add something new and release on changed name


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Tsin wrote:

but if its a newer map then i bet its intentionally done and just respect someones hard work and dont "steal"

They are modifying the Teeworlds code so people don't steal their maps.
Do you see the irony?

Not Luck, Just Magic.


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

ya rly ? (i rly dont get it why you posted such a useless post - but if moderators can then why i shouldn't tongue)


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Every map and mod should be free to be edited and modified as the open source game itself is. Thats my opinion.

9 (edited by Nitro 2013-05-19 16:33:24)

Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Ich wrote:

Every map and mod should be free to be edited and modified as the open source game itself is. Thats my opinion.

But it isn't annoing, if u make a map in 3 years, tag it with your name and then you decide to host that map, but other ppl decided to host this map,too, without your permission and they changed the name tag to their names. Wouldn't u be angry?


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Ich i think you miss understand the way of of this software and open source

a good example

only because gimp or inkscape are free and open source doesn't mean you must make your graphics for free and give your procjet files (.xcf or .svg)

the same should be with maps only because you use the editor doesn't mean that map is free to everyone
if someone tries to protect it from "stealing" then let him do that


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Nitro wrote:
Ich wrote:

Every map and mod should be free to be edited and modified as the open source game itself is. Thats my opinion.

But it isn't annoing, if u make a map in 3 years, tag it with your name and then you decide to host that map, but other ppl decided to host this map,too, without your permission and they changed the name tag to their names. Wouldn't u be angry?

That's called sharing. I guess you could also be flattered that they're hosting your map.
People are doing the same thing with Teeworlds, you know.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

12 (edited by Ich 2013-05-19 18:11:03)

Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Do you have full rights if you edit the teeworlds sourcecode? no. Magnus still owns the copyrights. Same for your map. But editing and modifying has nothing to do with 'stealing'. That doesn't mean they are allowed to show 'your' map while saying it's theirs and not telling that they just edited it. But teeworlds has a small community, people know who made which maps so..

I think it's just positive is someone sees potential in your map and may likes to make it better. smile


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Ich wrote:

Do you have full rights if you edit the teeworlds sourcecode? no.

Yes, kinda.

Not Luck, Just Magic.

14 (edited by Broken 2013-05-19 20:12:40)

Re: help loading a map in, crashes

guys im not stealing nor taking away the name spammed on the map i just want to fix it so it's playable



Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Anyway, the map editor crashing is a bug and should be fixed. These things can lead to code execution too, you know.


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

its not real stealing please dont get offended
i specialy used the word "steal"  in  ""

i just think if someone spend his time preventing from using his map then you should just search for another one , forget about that one and respect the "owner"

about fixing the bug

hmm fixing : if its harmless then i think not but i do agree it should be atleast preventing from code execution

we cant allowe in changing a simple game into normal backdoor (what is sad is that there are "bitches" in this game that would love to use this kind of hole if they would find it)


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

the map is not playable ><


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

This patch fixes the crash. It doesn't let you load the map though. The problem is the map version being != 1. I don't know why that version field is there; in contrast to the datafile's version field this one is not used anywhere but when loading the map in the editor. See game/editor/ip.cpp:439. Lacks a catching else part and the map loading part lacks a reset for the case of a failed map load (game/editor/editor.cpp:706)

Post's attachments

Attachment icon editor-map-crash.patch 1018 b, 493 downloads since 2013-05-20 


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

changing the value on 0x2a8 from 0C to 01 should be enough then, so the editor will accept it, but some stuff could be bugged


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

it already loads in a server fine, it simply needs teleports and some entity changes ..


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

If someone went through the effort of trying to block people from editing the map, then please adhere to the map maker's wishes and keep his map an unplayable pile of garbage.

Ex-King of Teeworlds


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Bear changed that one byte and it loaded in fine. Thanks for the help guys.


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Further details here: https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/pull/1100

24 (edited by Neox 2013-06-16 13:15:39)

Re: help loading a map in, crashes

Just made the update and it doesn't crash, but it doesn't load the map too ._. Any help for this please ? If needed I'll send the map

Edit : Whatever, changed with a way that allows me opening any map. Thanks anyway.

Try until you succeed.


Re: help loading a map in, crashes

BeaR wrote:

changing the value on 0x2a8 from 0C to 01 should be enough then, so the editor will accept it, but some stuff could be bugged

I have same problem !

what is this mean ?  changing the value on 0x2a8 from 0C to 01 (where?)