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Teeworlds Forum → Graphics → [GRAPHICS]Chrisfield12's Graphic Pack
Dear Parents of Young Tees,
Have your Children Been Bullied Lately? If they say No, Make sure they can Look you in the Eye and say that.. If not, Ask whos Bullying them, Call their Parents, And Stop the Bully! Or just let your Child Get Beat up. :3 Your Choice.
Sincerely, Bully Expert Chrisfield12
That's unrealistic shadows ...
k... sorry i dont know what you mean by football... American or European... I'm gonna Go with American. Here it is... Trust me... It works ingame.
- footsball
P.S. By Zombie tee, Do You mean a Bloody one or a one thats just missing parts of it?
Football, not fotsball, and you should remove the in-lines. But pretty nice!
That's unrealistic shadows ...
Just pretend the light source is between the tees.
wow! your best yet!
the feets a bit smaller
nice work like that ctf one
nice nice
good job
rreeaallyy cool
nice nice
good job
rreeaallyy cool
Thank you *TeEgOd[1]
Skins doesnt look teeish,sry
if you use bamboo tablet, i think artrage works better ^^
Skins doesnt look teeish,sry
ik lol, I just make skins and stuff for the heck of it, I know i fail
no you dont fail,jut think they dont look teeish
I like them they are good
0o with gimp!(I dont know how to use that thing)
note:how to make the background transparent in inkscape??
k, This isn't my best, But it's my first attempt at making something the tees are actually standing on. Probably one of my best though. … night.png/ lol woops.
eh, Tell me what you think. (First attempt on making a background)
and Here's my Semifixed Version.
Sry for Double Post
You don't double posted if you are the last one who commented it edits and don't double posts
Can you reupload these
Can you reupload these
ok here's an oldie but a goodie
Teeworlds Forum → Graphics → [GRAPHICS]Chrisfield12's Graphic Pack
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