Re: [MOD] zCatch

I patched the source and then I manually patched the "variables.hpp" and then wen I try to compile I get this error:

[52/99] #1 link zcatch_ppc
Undefined symbols:
  "_mods_set_resistent", referenced from:
      _server_process_client_packet in es_server_ppc.o
      _server_process_client_packet in es_server_ppc.o
      _con_set_resistent in es_server_ppc.o
  "_mods_set_authed", referenced from:
      _server_process_client_packet in es_server_ppc.o
      _server_process_client_packet in es_server_ppc.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
bam: command returned error: 256
bam: error during build

can anyone help ?


->My 24/7 servers: [NOR] Norwegian HUB <- Back Online !! big_smile
( My grammar is getting better ! smile I think.. )


Re: [MOD] zCatch


I think I'm kind of too stupid, to get this thing patched - or I'm too lazy wink
Could anyone of you upload the patched linux-server ?
I would be very pleased, because I'm running two zCatch [24h/day] servers, both with the .3 version,
and I get dayly requests to update it.


Ich glaube, dass ich entweder zu doof oder einfach zu faul bin, um den Server zu Patchen.
Deswegen fänd ich es klasse, wenn jemand dazu bereit wäre, den gepatchten Linux-Server zu uploaden,
da ich zwei zCatch Server administriere - und selbige sind noch auf der älteren .3 version.
Täglich bekomme ich Anfragen, ob ich denn nicht den Patch aufspielen könnte...


Server:  zCatch from me for you [v0.4]  -  -  24h zCatch[latest version]

28 (edited by erd 2010-07-03 14:40:48)

Re: [MOD] zCatch

Hey TeeJey,
sorry for the malformed patch, I was a bit inattentive while creating it, but with a few changes of the paths it is possible to apply it. I won't upload a fixed version of 0.3 because I'm currently working on 0.4 - maybe you saw it already at the german topic:
http://www.teeworlds-community.de/board … #post40329
The last time I tested it it crashed randomly, that's why I didn't published it already. Nevertheless, here is it, please tell me if it runs stable for you:

Patch (copy into root directory of teeworlds, execute patch -p0 < ./zcatch.diff)

0.3 - 0.4
 * [fix] general teeworlds crash bug fixed (packages < 6 byte)
 * [fix] unfair glitch removed: A kills B - wallshot of B kills A, B already dead - A dies, B can continue playing
 * [new] new players will be "caught by best" (best = currently most kills, not highest score)
   -> won't have to wait for the next round
   -> not possible to join the game by rejoining the server
 * [new] suicides will also be punished by "caught by best"
 * [new] little statistics shown at end of round (e.g. ration playing / beeing spec)
 * [new] broadcast message with catched players / catcher


Re: [MOD] zCatch

Thanks a lot!

For testing you can play on "zCatch from me for you [v0.4]".
Should be running all day long big_smile
After a servercrash the server restarts within a few seconds.

@erd: Tell me if you want the server output until it crashes [e.g. for error analysis],
'cause then I'll record it and forward it to you.



Vielen, vielen Dank!
Wenn ihr die neueste Version ausprobieren wollt,
könnt ihr auf dem Server "zCatch from me for you [v0.4]" spielen,
dieser sollte den ganzen Tag über laufen, nach einem Absturz startet er innerhalb von Sekunden neu.
@erd: Wenn du den output des Servers bis zum absturz haben möchtest,
sag bescheid - dann kann ich das entsprechend über mehrere Tage aufzeichnen lassen, und dir schicken.


Server:  zCatch from me for you [v0.4]  -  -  24h zCatch[latest version]

30 (edited by Lanta 2010-07-03 20:36:00)

Re: [MOD] zCatch

The server crash very easily and often, I suggest you to record a log.

Support Staff - ESL.eu Teeworlds Admin


Re: [MOD] zCatch

It seems, you've made your patch based on a bit modified source:

@@ -702,9 +711,9 @@
         return false;
     // prevent beeing killed by e.g. leftover lasers from caught players
-    if(game.controller->is_zcatch() && game.player[from] && game.players[from]->team == -1)
+    if(game.controller->is_zcatch() && game.players[from] && game.players[from]->team == -1)
         return false;
     // player only inflicts half damage on self
     if(from == player->client_id)
         dmg = max(1, dmg/2);

32 (edited by erd 2010-07-04 15:03:25)

Re: [MOD] zCatch

Ahw, thanks gerichhome. Now I downloaded the source fresh from teeworlds.com, hope this time there is no mistake. I've updated the link above (Download)
@nitzel: Would be nice if you could do this, thanks!

Edit: 04.07.2010 16:40 crash, show log smile

33 (edited by gerichhome 2010-07-04 22:46:15)

Re: [MOD] zCatch

working with your code now. Wait a little and don't write new code smile

don't understand all 'authed' and 'resistent' stuff. Why they should be in ZCatch?

these files are done now:



Re: [MOD] zCatch

don't understand all 'authed' and 'resistent' stuff. Why they should be in ZCatch?

Well, it's not mod related, yes, but it's annoying to get kicked from your own server, that is the reason why I implemented it. Thanks for reviewing the code!


Re: [MOD] zCatch

Ok, can I exclude that?
If it is needed, it can be added separately. Also, as I know, it will be implemented in Teeworlds 0.6


Re: [MOD] zCatch

nice mod i used it some times wink


Re: [MOD] zCatch

erd, it seems I am stupid)
should I use this patch: http://teegraph.servegame.org/static_media/zcatch.diff
or this one: http://pastebin.com/f1f97c242

I used first one, but when looked into the second patch, I found it more extended(configs added)


Re: [MOD] zCatch

so, I've uploaded my changes to git:
If this patch should be used, I'll rewrite it smile

erd, say me your name in git and I'll add you to collebotors smile


Re: [MOD] zCatch

The patch you used is the right one, the configs doesn't matter smile And if the kick protection is in tw 0.6 included it is of course okay to leave it out smile
Just signed up to github ("erd" was already taken hmm), I chose "erdbeere" as my name.


Re: [MOD] zCatch

ok) I think my code should be tested.

erd, should one player win if he is the only player on the server? I think game should end only if player has killed at least 1 enemy, who is at server.


Re: [MOD] zCatch

I think this is a problem: http://gist.github.com/464657


Re: [MOD] zCatch


here's the log:
password is: tw72010log

I'm quite sorry, i forgot to enter some text when the server is restarted... but you can find these "restart points" quite easy by searching for:
"running on" (at each of these lines "[********][engine]: running on unix-linux-ia32" the server is restarted)

Hope that'll help you.

Server:  zCatch from me for you [v0.4]  -  -  24h zCatch[latest version]


Re: [MOD] zCatch

where can i get the src of the latest stable (0.3)?

TT <3

44 (edited by erd 2010-12-24 16:21:29)

Re: [MOD] zCatch

Yeah, the join thing was very annoying... please update all! Download in first post. Thanks "TT <3" and "Tainmart" for making me to fix this issue big_smile

0.3 - 0.3b
 * join when the best player dies, not when a new round starts


Re: [MOD] zCatch

This mod is fun but have a serious voting-problem. If you catch too many tees then chance is good one of them starts voting just because he dislikes to wait cause you would not die right now and so you would be kicked out. It's getting annoying after a few times...


Re: [MOD] zCatch

I experienced the same as Mo(2) and heard Zeta-Hoernchen talking about this too, this seems to be a common problem.


Re: [MOD] zCatch

I play zCatch pretty often and almost never experienced the problem you described. And the few times it happens, most players in the server vote no, as thes have enough brain, to know this is funvote. (And I am not the worst instagib player just to let you know.)

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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)


Re: [MOD] zCatch

I've found a server that was little bit more like you describe here Tee Killa... and they even voted out such "funvoters" but even there was a discussion regarding that voting. But this always depends on the players. And there is much more motivation to vote someone out cause until he is gone (or died) others may not play active in game.



Re: [MOD] zCatch

Yeh, I was there too. A fanvote was make to kick tee killa. in 3 seconds teekilla was banned xD

Playing Teeworlds since 2011!
"I will always be topless for you"
                  - Günther Branlutte


Re: [MOD] zCatch

HeroiAmarelo wrote:

Yeh, I was there too. A fanvote was make to kick tee killa. in 3 seconds teekilla was banned xD


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» Member of: JsA - Just stay Alloha! (since 2009)