Re: how to make a server

I've got a question...

I want to create a LAN server and cannot open a port for teeworlds.
Is there any ability for me to create a server without setting free a port?

the data is named my_server_config.cfg and i wrote in:

sv_name Teeworlds sample dm
sv_map dm1
sv_scorelimit 20
sv_timelimit 10
sv_gametype dm
sv_motd Teeworlds sample dm configuration
sv_max_clients 12
sv_spectator_slots 10
sv_register 0

if i start the data startserver, you can read:

failed to open my_server_config.cfg

under that there are some other things and maybe 30 seconds after you can read this:

ERROR: the master server reports that clients can not connect to this server
ERROR: configure your firewall/nat to let trough udp on port 8303

sorry, my english isnt very good, im german, but i hope u understand what i want to say.

thanks before:


Re: how to make a server

If you just wanna setup a lan server you don't have to forward a port. Just start the server and connect to it. It seems like you haven't loaded the config file correctly - either wrong filename, wrong placement or you loaded it wrong.