1 (edited by Ubuntu 2010-05-27 22:06:30)

Topic: [SUGGESTION] A better use of the timelimit in CTF

Right now the time limit in a ctf game, makes the match unbalanced. Scores like 225-223 shouldn't determine who is the winner. The winning team should have a clear lead.

I propose that if there is no clear lead when the time is over, the game should continue till one team captures one flag or till one team manages to touch the flag enough times to get 100 points.

Touching 100 times the flag could take some time, so I propose to also change the number of points a flag touch gives you after the time limit, to speedup things. It could give you for example 3-4 points after the time limit.

2 (edited by William Tee Riker 2010-05-28 07:10:08)

Re: [SUGGESTION] A better use of the timelimit in CTF

I support the idea that scores like 430-431 should not count as a win for one team. It leads to very strange tactics to win a game in Sudden Death: as the flag carrier, let yourself be killed on purpose (or fall down to die) in the correct moment when your teammate is standing at the enemy's flagpoint. When their flag reappears, your buddy is there to grab it again and you win. This is easy to coordinate when you use Teamspeak or similar.

In fact, in our private Teeworlds statistics project, this score would count as a draw.


Re: [SUGGESTION] A better use of the timelimit in CTF

The role of Sudden Death is precisly to avoid draws. Counting that as a draw isn't a solution, I think Ubu's idea to speed the 100 flags is better.

Not Luck, Just Magic.